counterproductive 适得其反
1. Discipling children is well-meaning and necessary, but being too strict with them may be counterproductive.
2. Giving money to the disadvantaged group seems to be a panacea, but in truth it can be troublingly counterproductive.
1. Las Vegas is synonymous with gambling.
Las Vegas and gambling are synonymous (with each other).
Wang Sicong has been a synonym/byword for “fuerdai”�, the rich second generation.
3. Loneliness is not synonymous with social isolation (how often a person meets or speaks to friends and family) or with solitude (which implies a choice to be alone).
approachable 接地气的
1. My English teacher is professional, knowledgeable, and above all, approachable.
想夸一个人为人友善,除了用 friendly 也可以用 approachable:
2. This textbook is informative, engaging, and best of all, approachable.
3. His approachable cuisine has seen him front numerous television shows and open many restaurants.
/kwɪˈzin/ 烹饪,风味
4. Although she is an A-list celebrity, she remains approachable and down-to-earth. 或者 Despite being a superstar, she maintains an approachable demeanor.
understandable 易懂的,完全可以理解
1. It's perfectly understandable. Thank you anyway.
2. It's understandable that you have so much work to do towards the end of the year and cannot help me. Thank you anyway.
3. The mistake is totally understandable. It's a minor one anyway. Be careful next time.
worrying disturbing
副词:worryingly disturbingly alarmingly
1. It is alarming that students spend so much time learning without actually learning something.
2. The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate.
3. Domestic violence is alarmingly widespread in Turkey.
当我们想说某个现象很普遍,而这种普遍性令人担忧的时候就可以直接说 alarmingly widespread 了。
sth. that helps you to be successful
1. A is a springboard for/to B. A促成了B的成功
2. A fluent command of English is a springboard to professional success.
3. Failure is the mother of success.
Our failures can act as springboards for future success.
our /aʊə/ /ɑr/
failure /'feɪljə/ /'feljɚ/
4. For many students, a master's degree is a springboard for bigger success.
master /'mɑːstə/ /'mæstɚ/
5. Many students take the Postgraduate Admission Test on the grounds that a master's degree provides a springboard for greater success.
6. Studying aboard is regarded as a springboard for immigration.
a reason for what you say or do, or for being allowed to say or do something
1. She has valid grounds for accusing him of sexual harassment.
accuse sb. of sth. 指责、指控 英 [əˈkju:z] 美 [əˈkjuz]
harassment 英 ['hærəsmənt] 美 [hə'ræsmənt] 骚扰
2.Gene editing has drawn widespread public criticism on ethical grounds.
Gene 英 [dʒi:n] 美 [dʒin] 基因
draw 英 [drɔ:] 美 [drɔ]
criticism [ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm] 批评
ethical 英 [ˈeθɪkl] 美 [ˈɛθɪkəl] 伦理
on the grounds of/that, 表示“因为…的理由”“以…为根据”
3.Mr Shi believes that if elite universities select students on the grounds not just of their test scores, but also of their intellectual maturity and social responsibility, this will influence the way pupils are taught at school, and change the way they think.
elite /eɪ'liːt/ /ɪˈlit/ 精英
/ˌɪntə'lektʃʊəl/ /ˌɪntə'lɛktʃuəl/智力
maturity 英 [məˈtʃʊərəti] 美 [məˈtʃʊrəti] 成熟、完备
pupils 英 ['pju:plz] 美 ['pju:plz] 学生
High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children...
['kɔrnɚston] 12.5
the basic part of sth., on which everything depends
1.Trust, love, and mutual respect are cornerstones of marriage.
mutual ['mjutʃuəl] 彼此
2. Honesty is the cornerstone of all success, without which nothing would last.
3. What do corporate leaders do all day? Much of their time is spent in meetings. No wonder: meetings are, among other things, the cornerstone of teams, which in turn are the basic building blocks of corporate existence.
building block 积木,基础材料
(it’s) little/no/small/wonder (that)
used for showing that you are not surprised by a particular situation or event
antidote 你是我的解药
/'æntɪdot/ 12.4
1. Some people believe that alcohol can offer a quick antidote to depression.
alcohol /'ælkəhɔl/ 酒精
米歇尔•奥巴马在回忆录 Becoming 中写到祖父(外号“Southside”)非常喜欢音乐
2. Music seemed to be an antidote to his worries, a way to relax and crowd them out.
It seems that music serves as a powerful antidote to worries. Music provides the perfect antidote to loneliness and boredom.
经典工作效率提升指南 Getting Things Done 中,开篇也出现了 antidote:
3. This is the vaccination against day-to-day firefighting and an antidote for the imbalance many people bring upon themselves.
vaccination /ˌvæksn'eʃən/ 疫苗
imbalance /ɪm'bæləns/ 失调
an international strategy to reduce trade imbalances
vaccination 是“疫苗”,在这里表示“预防措施”,antidote 是“解药”,在这里表示“矫正方法”。当我们想表示一个工具、方法的有效性时,就可以用到 vaccination 和 antidote 这类词汇。句子中的 firefighting 和 imbalance 写出了上班族的狼狈,vaccination 和 antidote 和它们一一对应,相比“a good way/method”这样的表达,它们更生动、灵活和恰当