天寒地凍,氣溫持續低迷,所有的野生動物彷彿跟著大地一起沉睡,連黑熊也幾近絕跡了。 由於仍偶爾會看到黑貓跳上陽台乞食, 因此我們也購置了一個有暖氣設備的小屋,放在室外,以便貓咪在無處可去時,可以取暖過冬。

但不知何故,近日都沒看見黑貓的蹤影, 反而是小浣熊天天會來陽台逛逛,順便乞食,也罷, 萬物皆有靈, 我是個超級愛動物的人,尤其是可愛的小動物,總讓我無法不多看兩眼。

畫面中的這隻浣熊,對我似乎特別信任, 即使我打開門放置食物,牠也不急著躲開, 而是用ㄧ雙無辜的眼睛萌萌地的盯著瞧。 吃完了食物,牠也似乎不急著離開,而是睡在有暖氣的小屋旁 ..,看著牠睡得很安穩的模樣, 我也不忍打擾, 只是不懂牠爲何不直接睡在小木屋裡,而是躺在冰冰涼涼的地板上? 看得我只打哆嗦呀!🥶

It was freezing cold and the temperature continued to be low. All wild animals seemed to fall asleep with the earth, and even the black bears were almost extinct. Since we still occasionally see black cats jumping on the balcony to beg for food, we also bought a heated hut and placed it outside so that the cat can stay warm for the winter when there is nowhere to go.
But somehow, I haven’t seen a black cat in recent days. Instead, the little raccoon will come to the balcony to stroll around, begging for food every day. I can't help but look more than twice .
The raccoon in the picture seems to have a special trust in me. Even if I open the door to put food, he does not rush away, but stares cutely with a pair of innocent eyes. After eating the food, it didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave. Instead, it slept next to the heated hut.. Seeing it slept peacefully, I couldn’t bear to disturb, but I didn’t understand why it didn’t just sleep in the cabin Inside, but lying on the cold wood floor?🥶