
流利说商务英语学习笔记Level5 Unit2 Part 2 C

2020-03-28  本文已影响0人  无厌伽蓝

断更了一段时间,因为前段时间都忙着学 Flutter 和 SwiftUI(其实是在看猫腻的小说),好的习惯一定得坚持呀!

Common Examples


Positive brand image: Brand image is the perception that people have of a product or a company. When a company has a strong brand image, it means it has a good reputation. People are more likely to buy from the brand they trust. So a brand image can be leveraged to sell more products or enter a new market.

Poor customer service: Customer service is the assistance a company gives to customers before, during and after a purchase. When a company offers customer poor service, it doesn’t serve its customers well. If a customer has a negative customer service experience for the company, they may choose not to buy from it again.

New consumer trends: Consumer trends refer to changing consumer habits and behaviors. By identifying new consumer trends, companies can create new products that appeal to customers. If a company does not keep up with consumer trends, it could miss business opportunities.

Competitors: A successful company differentiates itself from its competitors. It can stand out by offering unique products or establishing a strong brand image. If a company can’t differentiate itself, It may have a smaller market share. And if its competition increases, it could lose revenue.


differentiate 使与众不同 eg. A successful man can differentiate himself from his competitors.
competition increases 竞争加剧 eg. If the competition of the iOS market increases, many developers may lose their jobs.
stand out 脱颖而出 eg. I stand out in the interview by showing my good programming skills.
appeal to 吸引 eg. By identifying new consumer trends, companies can create products that appeal to customers.
perception 见解 eg. Brand image is the perception that people have of a product or a company.
keep up with 跟上……的速度 eg. If a company cannot keep up with consumer trends, it could miss business opportunities.

Many iOS or front-end developers may find it hard to keep up with the community, which may make them less competitive. How can you stand out when you have a lot to learn? First, you don't have to learn everything but the important parts. Second, you should differentiate yourself from some perspectives, such as the deep perception of fundamental skills including assembly languages, open-source frameworks, and anything that can prove your ability. If this article appeals to you, please give me a good comment.


