TGG - Weekly Note

2017-12-10  本文已影响37人  ElaineLKN

1 - 阅读感悟




The judges read the story, but dared not question it, because it amounted to their admitting not having read its omewhere in one of the obscure ancient texts.So SuTungpo was passed.

 ... ...

“Well that was what the sage emperor would have done,wasn't he?”replied Su Tungpo.

读这段时,我当时的remarks是How lucky he is! But it's totally make sense if you heard about the story - the Emperor's New Clothes. And Su Tungpo may get caught if he take exams nowadays as the internet will help the judges.



于我而言,古文和英文学得都是半斤八两。而林语堂确实精通古文和英文的学者,所以在读林语堂写的英文原著,既学习了英文,翻过来也学习了古文。例如Chapter 6中林语堂翻译苏东坡的诗:



"To what can human life be likened?

Perhaps to a wild goose's footprint on snow;

The claws' imprint is accidentally left,

But carefree, the bird flies east and west."


同理,要读懂英文原著的美,也得从原文入手。比如林语堂在preface中写的“Once at a great court ceremony, in the presence of all the high officials, he made fun of a certain puritanical neo-Confucianist and stung him with a phrase which made the victim smart, and for which he suffered the consequences.”中的sting和smart。

还有Chapter 5里面“Naturally, these regions were uninhabited and uninhabitable.”里面的uninhabited和uninhabitable。

此外,林语堂在写中国地名的时候用的时威妥玛拼音(Wade-Giles romanization),不是汉语拼音。比如四川译成是Szechuen,所以看到原著里的译名时,要绕个圈才能反应过来。





“这是林语堂用中文写的还是用英文写的?”起初,很多人都会有过这样的疑惑。因为林语堂这个中国人的英文写作实在是太地道。比如“Young Mrs. Su Tungpo was by position and aged the senior”,如果是我,相同的意思我可能会表达成“Young Mrs. Su Tungpo was older than her and possessed a higher position.”,高下立判。而且林语堂在描写苏东坡的风格地位时,熟练列举了中英文的诗人做比较,简直比外国人还专业。

阅读过程中,关于阅读这回事也有所领悟。一直都想读《How to Read A Book》这本书,在阅读过程中发现老师分享了这本书的一些阅读指导,很受用,明年一定要好好拜读下。


The first week's reading covers all chapters in the childhood and youth part and a chapter in the early manhood part.In these chapters, Su Tungpo’s family and living environment are detailed, as well as several things that influence Su Tungpo’s exams and career.

Su Tungpo was born in a well-to-do family. His personality and capacity for wine was inherited from his grandpa. His father was talented and made a good example of writing simplicity. With his father and brother, Su Tungpo set out for the capital for the examinations and official ambition.Within lines, I know that Su Tungpo is much talented than I’ve ever known. School textbooks reveal little about his great personality and his life,which I think is the basis of being an excellent poet. 

As a new bird, my first week’s reading is not easy for me because of bunches of new words and lack of background information. But it feels great to insist reading and do some writing day by day.


