
我的瑞士洛桑商学院终于给我指派了一个专门的DBA导师,叫Erdal这个名字很奇怪但在瑞士有一些移民,所以我和他通电话第一次,就请他介绍一下自己,得知他是土耳其瑞士人,学习金融加拿大拿到博士学位到了瑞士银行业,现在全职教书住在苏黎世,每周两天去洛桑上课finance background undergraduate,PHD in cananda,banking sector in CH,Turkish Swiss

我们讨论一下LBS,BSL区别,后者是我的学校:business school Lausanne 但瑞士也出现一个 Lausanne business school试图利用我们学校声誉为自己背书,我心想这不是我们经常干的把戏吗!瑞士学府也干这事?
我的研究主题是:how the sustainable wellbeing be assured in business environment? 如何在商业环境下确保人类的康乐?

我已经提交了research proposal和最近做的literature review文献研究,也就10000字,一直催导师反馈。
导师提到我需要研究The Nobel Prize winner: Prof. Amarthya Sen. Please make a search on him and on his "capabilities" approach.我研究一下他的背景和学术,很了不起,作为一个印度人可以获得诺贝尔奖而且接过3次婚,老婆基本都是学术界精英教授东西方人,老头现在youtube上讲座思路清晰,头脑明了,最难得的是对印度体系和贫苦大众有深厚了解和慈悲,希望通过他的研究引起关注和解决方案;所以他强调一个社会不是资源导向,而是能力导向,成为穷人的经济学家。

老师建议我看一下世界银行做的人类发展指数报告You can reach the Human Development Index by the World Bank at: http://hdr.undp.org/en/humandev;我比较感兴趣看到挪威瑞士名列1,2名,确实瑞士生活和学习经历让我对瑞士体系和everything works非常赞叹,也看到香港和新加玻分别是7和9,这个很有意思,因为我一直不喜欢香港生活空间局促,但周围认识的香港人都很愿意回到香港或者不愿意长期在其他城市生活,最近我们瑜伽馆的香港ashtanga老师就对上海教课高待遇似乎没啥眷恋,都要回去,这有的时候让我们对经常变换老师频繁适应,但也看出他们对香港生活的眷恋;中国名列86,和一些非洲南美国家混在一起,最主要评定标准“平等性”是根本原因:收入,男女平等,获得教育权利,打破社会阶层能力。


我在导师推荐下开始看The Journal of Happiness Studies (JOHS) is an interdisciplinary forum on subjective well-being. The first issue appeared in 2000. Founding editors were Ed Diener, Alex Michalos, and Ruut Veenhoven. All three were members of the International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) as were most of the members of the editorial board.
The journal has roots in the social indicator movement and emerged as a split-off from the successful journal of “Social Indicators Research” that got ever more submissions on happiness. Alex Michalos was at that time the editor in chief of “Social Indicators Research,” which he established in 1973. The journal rooted also in the positive psychology movement that emerged at that time and in which Ed Diener was a key person. Ruut Veenhoven was founder of the World Database of Happiness and as such central in the field.

因此开始关于positive psychology的阅读,从而开始全球幸福指数阅读,就是越来越多的不知道和求索,把自己圈进去,好在随时可以跳出来工作和瑜伽,冥想!
For the literature search, you can also use www.emeraldinsighht.com

关于博士学位论题必须New or not enough,要有自己观点,我致力于实践性为主的解决方案,但也要出一本英文书!作为可以每天使用的手册和实现wellbeing康乐的bible。
我还没有回答,但认为we are Being, we are wellbeing!原始我们就是健康快乐的,但我们think too much!被很多外物蒙蔽和变傻,所以重新回到wellbeing过程就是一个回到真我的过程,如果我们生病,但主观认为healthy不受疾病前半小时而头脑suffering 受苦,那就有实现wellbeing的机会!OK,就这么回答。

我们探讨了和Wellness区别,还有如何结合导师自己研究的Behavior economics; diminishing marginal utility ? sociology: poverty definition, perceived poverty;
提到financial times article, do money make u happy? Targeted way for reference ?
Human development index? wellness,wellbeing parameters?
geomatric average ??? world bank
World value survey: satisfied,personal household;what questions asked,what under wellbeing?
sustainablity of solution or society sustianatlity
Job satisfaction more research?
business environment: entrepreneur,labor worker? NGO,corporate;I can decide the scope

我关于Fitness: supplement video,QR code只是加分不是必须,谈到mindfulness:要接触宗教因素 not religion, 文章写法Refine it in academic way, expand it in experimental,导师回有20 hours on literature review,整个DBA过程Three modules; literature review, methodology and application, putting all together;,所以End of apr. 2019必须完成literature review。
导师在教BBA, twice Tuesday and Friday我争取回去上他的课体验!