命名规则:node1 node2
IP规划: node1 node2
[root@node1 ~]#fdisk /dev/sdb#格式化磁盘
(on both nodes):Note:
These examples are going to assume the brick is going to reside on /dev/sdb1.(两节点都需要做)
[root@node1 ~]#mkfs.xfs -i size=512/dev/sdb1
[root@node1 ~]#mkdir -p /export/sdb1&& mount /dev/sdb1 /export/sdb1#建立挂载目录和挂载
[root@node1 ~]#echo"/dev/sdb1 /export/sdb1 xfs defaults 0 0">> /etc/fstab#加入开机启动
~]#mount -a && mount#挂载测试和挂载及结果查看
[root@node1 ~]#yum installcentos-release-gluster#安装源
[root@node1 ~]#yuminstall glusterfs-server#安装glusterfs
[root@node1 ~]#systemctlstop firewalld#临时关闭,重启还会启动
[root@node1 ~]#systemctldisable firewalld#永久关闭
[root@node1 ~]#systemctl start glusterd#启动gluster
[root@node1 ~]#systemctl enable glusterd#加入开机启动
Replace nodename with hostname of theother server in the cluster, or IP address if you don’t have DNS or /etc/hostsentries
For Example:
[root@node1 gluster]#cat /etc/hosts localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1localhostlocalhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 node1 node2 node3 node4 node5
#在node1节点运行peer probe命令
[root@node1 ~]#glusterpeer probe node2#注意,如果探测不到请确认host解析做了没有,防火墙是否关闭
[root@node1 ~]#glusterpeer status
[root@node1 ~]#gluster peer probe node2
peer probe: success.
[root@node1 ~]#gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1
Configure your Gluster volume
[root@node1 ~]#glusterpeer detach node2
[root@node1 ~]#mkdir -p/export/sdb1/brick
[root@node1~]#gluster volume create testvol replica 2 transport tcpnode1:/export/sdb1/brick node2:/export/sdb1/brick
volume create: testvol: success: please start the volume to accessdata
[root@node1 log]#gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1
Hostname: node2
Uuid: 61fe987a-99ff-419d-8018-90603ea16fe7
State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
[root@node1 log]#glustervolume info
Volume Name: testvol
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: bc637d83-0273-4373-9d00-d794a3a3d2e7
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 =2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: node1:/export/sdb1/brick
Brick2: node2:/export/sdb1/brick
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
[root@node1 ~]#gluster volume start testvol#启动volume
volume start: testvol: success
[root@node1 gluster]#gluster volume info#查看Volume信息
Volume Name: testvol
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: bc637d83-0273-4373-9d00-d794a3a3d2e7
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: node1:/export/sdb1/bricks
Brick2: node2:/export/sdb1/brick
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume status
Status of volume: testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y10774
Brick node2:/export/sdb1/brickN/AN/ANN/A
Self-heal Daemon on localhostN/AN/AY998
Self-heal Daemon on node1N/AN/AY10794
Task Status of Volume testvol
There are no active volume tasks
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/sdc1
mkdir /export/sdb1
mount /dev/sdc1 /export/sdc1
echo "/dev/sdc1 /export/sdc1 xfs defaults0 0">> /etc/fstab
mkdir -p /export/sdb1/brick#所有的节点执行
# gluster volume create testvol replica 2transport tcp node1:/export/sdb1/brick node2:/export/sdb1/brick
# gluster volume create testvol replica 2transport tcp node1:/export/sdb1/brick node2:/export/sdb1/bricknode1:/export/sdc1/bricknode2:/export/sdc1/brick
[root@node1 ~]# mkdir/mnt/gluster/
[root@node1 ~]#mount -tglusterfs node1:/testvol /mnt/gluster/
To expand a volume
1)On the first server in the cluster,probe the server to which you want to add the new brick using the followingcommand:
# gluster peerprobe#执行的命令如下:
[root@node1 ~]#gluster peer probe node3
peer probe: success.
[root@node1 ~]#gluster peer probe node4
peer probe: success.
2)Add the brick using the followingcommand:
# gluster volumeadd-brick
[root@node1 ~]#gluster volume add-bricktestvol node3:/export/sdb1/brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick
volume add-brick:success#显示成功
3)Check the volume information using the following command:(检查命令如下)
[root@node1 ~]#gluster volume info
Volume Name: testvol
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID:09363405-1c7c-4eb1-b815-b97822c1f274
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 2 x2 = 4
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
nfs.disable: on
Rebalance the volumeto ensure that all files are distributed to the new brick.
You can use therebalance command as described in Rebalancing Volumes
[root@node1 ~]#gluster volume rebalancetestvol start
volume rebalance:testvol: success: Rebalance on testvol has been started successfully. Userebalance status command to check status of the rebalance process.
ID: c9d052e8-2b6c-40b0-8d77-52290bcdb61
To shrink a volume(在线收缩)
[root@node1 gluster]#gluster volume remove-bricktestvol node3:/export/sdb1/brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick force
Removing brick(s) can result in data loss. Do you want to Continue? (y/n)y
volume remove-brick commit force: success
1.Remove the brick using the following command:
# gluster volume remove-brickstart
For example, to remove server2:/exp2:
# gluster volume remove-brick test-volume server2:/exp2 force
Removingbrick(s) canresultindata loss.Doyou want toContinue? (y/n)
2.Enter "y" to confirm the operation. The commanddisplays the following message indicating that the remove brick operation issuccessfully started:
3.RemoveBrick successful
4.(Optional) View the status of the remove brick operation usingthe following command:
# gluster volume remove-brickstatus
For example, to view the status of removebrick operation on server2:/exp2 brick:
5.Check the volume information using the following command:
# gluster volume info
The command displays information similar tothe following:
# gluster volume info
Number ofBricks:3
6.Rebalance the volume to ensure that all files are distributed tothe new brick.
You can use the rebalance command as described inRebalancing Volumes
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume status
Status of volume:testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node2:/export/sdb1/brickN/AN/ANN/A#sdb1显示不在线,故障
Self-heal Daemon onlocalhostN/AN/AY1393
Self-heal Daemon onnode1N/AN/AY3090
Self-heal Daemon onnode4N/AN/AY2246
Self-heal Daemon onnode3N/AN/AY2236
Task Status of Volumetestvol
Task: Rebalance
Status: completed
从上方看到Brick node2:/export/sdb1/brick不在线,出现了问题
[root@node2 ~]#mkfs.xfs -i size=512/dev/sdd1#格式化
[root@node2 ~]#mkdir /export/sdd1/brick-p#建立相关的目录
[root@node2 ~]#mount /dev/sdd1 /export/sdd1#挂载
[root@node2 ~]#echo "/dev/sdd1 /export/sdd1 xfs defaults 00">> /etc/fstab#加入开机启动
[root@node1 brick]#getfattr -d -m. -e hex /export/sdb1/brick/
getfattr: Removingleading '/' from absolute path names
# file:export/sdb1/brick/
[root@node2 ~]#mount -t glusterfs node2:/testvol /mnt#挂载点随便,不重复就可以,node2:/testvol为之前生成的卷
[root@node2 ~]#mkdir /mnt/test#新建一个卷中不存在的目录并删除,根据你的挂载点的位置变换执行
[root@node2 ~]#rmdir /mnt/test#删除刚才新建立的目录
[root@node2 ~]#setfattr -n trusted.non-existent-key -v abc /mnt#设置扩展属性触发自愈
[root@node2 ~]#setfattr-x trusted.non-existent-key /mnt#设置扩展属性触发自愈
[root@node1 gluster]#getfattr -d -m. -e hex /export/sdb1/brick/#
getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: export/sdb1/brick/
trusted.afr.testvol-client-1=0x000000000000000400000004<<---- xattrs are marked
from source brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick--->>
[root@node2 gluster]#gluster volume heal testvol info#查看你testvol的信息
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 1
Brick node2:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Transport endpoint is not connected
Number of entries: -#状态显示传输端点未连接
Brick node1:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node2:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node3:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node3:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node4:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume replace-brick testvol node2:/export/sdb1/bricknode2:/export/sdd1/brick commit force
volume replace-brick: success: replace-brick commit force operationsuccessful#提示成功
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume status
Status of volume: testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2684
Brick node2:/export/sdd1/brick491540Y10298#在线盘已经是sdd1,已经吧sdb1替换了
Brick node1:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2703
Brick node2:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2704
Brick node3:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2197
Brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2207
Brick node3:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2216
Brick node4:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2226
Self-heal Daemon on localhostN/AN/AY10307
Self-heal Daemon on node3N/AN/AY9728
Self-heal Daemon on node1N/AN/AY3284
Self-heal Daemon on node4N/AN/AY9736
Task Status of Volume testvol
Status: notstarted
[root@node1 gluster]#getfattr -d -m. -e hex /export/sdb1/brick/
getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: export/sdb1/brick/
trusted.afr.testvol-client-1=0x000000000000000000000000<<---- Pending changelogs are cleared.
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume heal testvol info
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node2:/export/sdd1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node1:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node2:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node3:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node3:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
Brick node4:/export/sdc1/brick
Status: Connected
Number of entries: 0
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume replace-brick voltest node2:/export/sdb1/bricknode2:/export/sdd1/brickcommit(前边为故障盘,后边为恢复盘)
[root@node1 brick]#gluster peer probe node5
peer probe: success.
[root@node5 ~]#mkdir -p /export/sdb1 && mount /dev/sdb1 /export/sdb1
[root@node5 ~]#echo "/dev/sdb1 /export/sdb1 xfs defaults 0 0">> /etc/fstab
[root@node5 ~]#mount -a && mount
[root@node5 ~]#gluster volume replace-brick testvol node2:/export/sdb1/bricknode5:/export/sdb1/brickcommit force
volume replace-brick: success: replace-brick commit force operationsuccessful
[root@node2 ~]#gluster volume replace-brick testvol node5:/export/sdb1/bricknode2:/export/sdb1/brick commit force
volume replace-brick: success: replace-brick commit force operationsuccessful
[root@node1 brick]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2085
Brick node1:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2076
Brick node2:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2131
Brick node3:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2197
Brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2207
Brick node3:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2216
Brick node4:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2226
Self-heal Daemon on localhostN/AN/AY10565
Self-heal Daemon on node2N/AN/AY2265
Self-heal Daemon on node3N/AN/AY10416
Self-heal Daemon on node4N/AN/AY10400
Self-heal Daemon on node5N/AN/AY18238
Task Status of Volume testvol
Status: notstarted
[root@node1 gluster]# gluster volume status
Status of volume: testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2085
Brick node1:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2076
Brick node2:/export/sdc1/brick491520Y3474
Brick node3:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2197
Brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2207
Brick node3:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2216
Brick node4:/export/sdc1/brick491530Y2226
Self-heal Daemon on localhostN/AN/AY10684
Self-heal Daemon on node3N/AN/AY10498
Self-heal Daemon on node5N/AN/AY10075
Self-heal Daemon on node4N/AN/AY10488
Self-heal Daemon on node2N/AN/AY10201
Task Status of Volume testvol
Status: notstarted
Fix Layout:重新定位layout,原来的layout不变,(新)数据写入新的节点
Fix Layout and Migrate Data:重新定位layout的修改,并且迁移已经存在的数据
要注意的是当有新的节点加入的时候,必须做fix layout,不然新写入的数据还是写入到老的节点上去
1.To rebalance a volume to fix layout changes(fix
Start the rebalance operation on any one ofthe server using the following command:
# gluster volume rebalance fix-layout start
For example:
# gluster volume rebalance test-volumefix-layout start
Starting rebalance on volume test-volumehas been successful
gluster]#gluster volume rebalance testvolfix-layout start
volume rebalance: testvol: success:Rebalance on testvol has been started successfully. Use rebalance statuscommand to check status of the rebalance process.
ID: 0ea5aa16-b349-44ca-a51b-d5fcf47e1272
gluster]#gluster volume rebalance testvol status
Nodestatusrun time in h:m:s
localhostfix-layout completed0:0:0
node2fix-layout completed0:0:0
node3fix-layout completed0:0:0
node4fix-layout completed0:0:0
volume rebalance: testvol: success
2.To rebalance a volume to fix
layout and migrate the existing data(Fix Layout
and Migrate Data)
Start the rebalance operation on any one ofthe server using the following command:
# gluster volume rebalance start
For example:
# gluster volume rebalance test-volumestart
Starting rebalancing on volume test-volumehas been successful
Start the migration operation forcefully onany one of the servers using the following command:
# gluster volume rebalance start force
For example:
# gluster volume rebalance test-volumestart force
Starting rebalancing on volume test-volumehas been successful
gluster]#gluster volume rebalance testvol start
volume rebalance: testvol: success:Rebalance on testvol has been started successfully. Use rebalance statuscommand to check status of the rebalance process.
ID: 2a47d454-fdc3-4d95-81ac-6981577d26e9
gluster]#gluster volume rebalance testvol status
NodeRebalanced-filessizescannedfailuresskippedstatusrun time in h:m:s
volume rebalance: testvol: success
2.Stopping Rebalance Operation(需要的话)
You can stop the rebalance operation, asneeded.
Stop the rebalance operation using the followingcommand:
# gluster volume rebalancestop
For example:
# gluster volume rebalance test-volume stop
Stopped rebalance process on volumetest-volume
Stop the volume using the followingcommand:
# gluster volume stop
For example, to stop test-volume:
# gluster volume stop test-volume
Stopping volume will make its datainaccessible. Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Enter y to confirm the operation. Theoutput of the command displays the following:
Stopping volume test-volume has been successful
Delete the volume using the followingcommand:
# gluster volume delete
For example, to delete test-volume:
# gluster volume delete test-volume
Deleting volume will erase all informationabout the volume. Do you want to continue? (y/n)
Enter y to confirm the operation. Thecommand displays the following:
Deleting volume test-volume has beensuccessful
Triggering Self-Heal on Replicate
In replicate module, previously you had tomanually trigger a self-heal when a brick goes offline and comes back online,to bring all the replicas in sync. Now the pro-active self-heal daemon runs inthe background, diagnoses issues and automatically initiates self-healing every10 minutes on the files which requireshealing.
You can view the list of files that needhealing,the list of files which are currently/previouslyhealed,list of files which are in split-brain state, and you can manually triggerself-heal on the entire volume or only on the files which needhealing.
·Trigger self-heal only on the files which requireshealing:
# gluster volume heal
For example, to trigger self-heal on fileswhich requireshealingof test-volume:
# gluster volume heal test-volume
Heal operation onvolumetest-volumehas been successful
·Trigger self-heal on all the files of a volume:
# gluster volume heal full
For example, to trigger self-heal on all thefiles of of test-volume:
# gluster volume heal test-volume full
Heal operation onvolumetest-volumehas been successful
·View the list of files that needshealing:
# gluster volume heal info
For example, to view the list of files ontest-volume that needshealing:
# gluster volume heal test-volume info
Brick server1:/gfs/test-volume_0
Brick server2:/gfs/test-volume_1
·View the list of files that are self-healed:
# gluster volume heal info
For example, to view the list of files ontest-volume that are self-healed:
# gluster volume heal test-volume info healed
·View the list of files of a particular volume on which theself-heal failed:
# gluster volume heal info
For example, to view the list of files oftest-volume that are not self-healed:
# gluster volume heal test-volume info failed
·View the list of files of a particular volume which are insplit-brain state:
# gluster volume heal info split-brain
For example, to view the list of files oftest-volume which are in split-brain state:
# gluster volume heal test-volume info split-brain
1.提示State: Peer in Cluster (Disconnected)
[root@node1 gluster]# gluster peer status
Number of Peers: 1
Hostname: node2
Uuid: 61fe987a-99ff-419d-8018-90603ea16fe7
State: Peer in Cluster(Disconnected)
sdb1]#gluster volume start testvol
volume start: testvol: failed: Failed toget extended attribute trusted.glusterfs.volume-id for brick dir /export/sdb1/brick.Reason : No data available#故障 重建volume出错
处理方式: 查看volume的信息,删除掉volume,清空信息,重新建立volume
sdb1]#gluster volume info
Volume Name: testvol
Type: Replicate
Volume ID:57a60503-c5ae-4671-b213-6f2a2f913615
Status: Created
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: node1:/export/sdb1/brick
Brick2: node2:/export/sdb1/brick
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
sdb1]#gluster volume delete testvol
Deleting volume will erase all informationabout the volume. Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
volume delete: testvol: success
sdb1]#setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id/export/sdb1/brick && setfattr -x trusted.gfid /export/sdb1/brick&& rm -rf /export/sdb1/brick/..glusterfs
setfattr: /export/sdb1/brick: No suchattribute
sdb1]#setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id/export/sdb1/brick && setfattr -x trusted.gfid /export/sdb1/brick&& rm -rf /export/sdb1/brick/..glusterfs
setfattr: /export/sdb1/brick: No suchattribute
[root@node1 sdb1]# gluster volume createtestvol replica 2 transport tcp node1:/export/sdb1/bricknode2:/export/sdb1/brick
volume create: testvol: success: pleasestart the volume to access data
sdb1]#gluster volume start testvol
volume start: testvol: success
sdb1]#gluster volume status
Status of volume: testvol
Gluster processTCP PortRDMA PortOnlinePid
Brick node1:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2429
Brick node2:/export/sdb1/brick491520Y2211
Self-heal Daemon on localhostN/AN/AY2449
Self-heal Daemon on node2N/AN/AY2231
Task Status of Volume testvol
There are no active volume tasks
glusterfs volume create: testvol: failed: /data/brick1 ora prefix of it is already part of a volume
[root@gluster-node1 ~]# gluster volumecreate testvol create: testvol: failed: /data/brick1 or a prefix of it is alreadypart of a volume
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id $brick_path
setfattr -x trusted.gfid $brick_path
rm -rf $brick_path/.glusterfs
7[root@gluster-node1 data]# setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /data/ctdb/
[root@gluster-node1 data]# setfattr -x trusted.gfid /data/ctdb/
[root@gluster-node1 data]# rm -rf /data/ctdb/.
./ ../ .glusterfs/
[root@gluster-node1 data]# rm -rf /data/ctdb/.glusterfs
[root@gluster-node1 data]# service glusterd restart
Starting glusterd: [确定]
不要担心提示说 属性不存在,只要它不存在,那它就处于健康的状态
GlusterFS: {path} or a prefix of it is already part of avolume
with GlusterFS 3.3, one change has been the check to see if a directory (or any
of it's ancestors) is already part of a volume. This is causing many support
questions in#gluster.
Thiswas implemented because if you remove a brick from a volume and continue to usethe volume, you can get file into a state where re-adding a former brick cancause all sort of problems, many of which can result in data loss.
Ifyou're going to reuse a brick, make sure you know what you're doing.
The Solution
Forthe directory (or any parent directories) that was formerly part of a volume, simply:
setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id $brick_path
setfattr -x trusted.gfid $brick_path
rm -rf $brick_path/.glusterfs
Don'tworry if it says that the attribute does not exist. As long as it doesn'texist, you're in good shape.
Finally,restart glusterd to ensure it's not "remembering" the old bricks.
thebugzilla entryfor more details and see Jeff Darcy's article for more
information about how GlusterFS usesextended attributes.
[python]view plaincopy
1.[root@test glusterfs]# gluster volume create hello replica 3 test.144:/data0/glusterfs test.145:/data0/glusterfs test.146:/data0/glusterfs
2.volume create: hello: success: please start the volume to access data
3.[root@test glusterfs]# gluster volume delete hello
4.Deleting volume will erase all information about the volume. Do you want tocontinue? (y/n) y
5.volume delete: hello: success
6.[root@test glusterfs]# gluster volume create gfs replica 3 test.144:/data0/glusterfs test.145:/data0/glusterfs test.146:/data0/glusterfs
7.volume create: gfs: failed: Staging failed on test.144.Error: /data0/glusterfsisalready part of a volume
8.Staging failed on test.146.Error: /data0/glusterfsisalready part of a volume
9.Staging failed on test.145.Error: /data0/glusterfsisalready part of a volume
10.[root@test glusterfs]# ssh test.144 'setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /data0/glusterfs/ && setfattr -x trusted.gfid /data0/glusterfs/ && rm -rf /data0/glusterfs/..glusterfs'
11.setfattr: /data0/glusterfs/: No such attribute
12.[root@test glusterfs]# ssh test.145 'setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /data0/glusterfs/ && setfattr -x trusted.gfid /data0/glusterfs/ && rm -rf /data0/glusterfs/..glusterfs'
13.setfattr: /data0/glusterfs/: No such attribute
14.[root@test glusterfs]# ssh test.146 'setfattr -x trusted.glusterfs.volume-id /data0/glusterfs/ && setfattr -x trusted.gfid /data0/glusterfs/ && rm -rf /data0/glusterfs/..glusterfs'
15.setfattr: /data0/glusterfs/: No such attribute
16.[root@test glusterfs]#
17.[root@test glusterfs]# gluster volume create gfs replica 3 test.144:/data0/glusterfs test.145:/data0/glusterfs test.146:/data0/glusterfs
18.volume create: gfs: success: please start the volume to access data
19.[root@test glusterfs]#
brick]#gluster volume add-brick testvolnode3:/export/sdb1/brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick node3:/export/sdc1/bricknode4:/export/sdc1/brick
volume add-brick: failed: Pre Validationfailed on node3. /export/sdb1/brick is already part of a volume
Pre Validation failed on node4./export/sdb1/brick is already part of a volume
brick]#gluster volume add-brick testvolnode3:/export/sdb1/brick node4:/export/sdb1/brick node3:/export/sdc1/bricknode4:/export/sdc1/brick
volume add-brick: success
Step 1 – Have atleast two nodes
·Fedora 22 (or later) on two nodes named"server1" and "server2"
·A working network connection
·At least two virtual disks, one for the OS installation,and one to be used to serve GlusterFS storage (sdb). This will emulate a realworld deployment, where you would want to separate GlusterFS storage from theOS install.
·Note: GlusterFS stores its dynamically generatedconfiguration files at /var/lib/glusterd. If at any point in time GlusterFS isunable to write to these files (for example, when the backing filesystem isfull), it will at minimum cause erratic behavior for your system; or worse,take your system offline completely. It is advisable to create separatepartitions for directories such as /var/log to ensure this does not happen.
Step 2 - Formatand mount the bricks
(on both nodes): Note: These examplesare going to assume the brick is going to reside on /dev/sdb1.
mkfs.xfs -isize=512/dev/sdb1
mkdir -p/data/brick1
echo'/dev/sdb1 /data/brick1 xfs defaults 1 2'>> /etc/fstab
mount -a&& mount
You should now see sdb1 mounted at/data/brick1
Step 3 -Installing GlusterFS
(on both servers) Install the software
Start the GlusterFS management daemon:
service glusterd start
service glusterd status
glusterd.service -LSB:glusterfs server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/glusterd)
Active: active (running) since Mon,13Aug201213:02:11-0700;2s ago
Process:19254ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/glusterd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: name=systemd:/system/glusterd.service
├19260/usr/sbin/glusterd -p /run/
├19304/usr/sbin/glusterfsd --xlator-option georep-server.listen-port=24009-s localhost...
└19309/usr/sbin/glusterfs -f /var/lib/glusterd/nfs/nfs-server.vol -p/var/lib/glusterd/...
Step 4 -Configure the trusted pool
From "server1"
glusterpeer probe server2
Note: When using hostnames, the firstserver needs to be probed fromoneother server to setits hostname.
From "server2"
glusterpeer probe server1
Note: Once this pool has beenestablished, only trusted members may probe new servers into the pool. A newserver cannot probe the pool, it must be probed from the pool.
Step 5 - Set upa GlusterFS volume
On both server1 and server2:
mkdir -p /data/brick1/gv0
From any single server:
gluster volumecreategv0 replica2server1:/data/brick1/gv0 server2:/data/brick1/gv0
gluster volumestartgv0
Confirm that the volume shows"Started":
Note: If the volume is not started,clues as to what went wrong will be in log files under /var/log/glusterfs onone or both of the servers - usually in etc-glusterfs-glusterd.vol.log
Step 6 - Testingthe GlusterFS volume
For this step, we will use one of theservers to mount the volume. Typically, you would do this from an externalmachine, known as a "client". Since using this method would requireadditional packages to be installed on the client machine, we will use one ofthe servers as a simple place to test first, as if it were that"client".
mount -t glusterfs server1:/gv0 /mnt
foriin`seq -w 1 100`;docp -rp /var/log/messages /mnt/copy-test-$i; done
First, check the mount point:
ls-lA/mnt | wc -l
You should see 100 files returned. Next,check the GlusterFS mount points on each server:
ls -lA /data/brick1/gv0
You should see 100 files on each serverusing the method we listed here. Without replication, in a distribute onlyvolume (not detailed here), you should see about 50 files on each one.
1.Configure Firewall(最好关闭防火墙)
For the Gluster to communicate within a cluster either the firewallshave to be turned off or enable communication for each server.
iptables -IINPUT -p all -s `` -j ACCEPT
2. Configurethe trusted pool
Remember that the trusted pool is the term used to define a cluster
of nodes in Gluster. Choose a server to be your “primary” server. This is just
to keep things simple, you will generally want to run all commands from this
tutorial. Keep in mind, running many Gluster specific commands (like gluster
volume create) on one server in the cluster will execute the same command on
all other servers.(只需要在一台机器上执行)
3. Replace
nodename with hostname of the other server in the cluster, or IP address if you
don’t have DNS or /etc/hosts entries. Let say we want to connect to node02:(在DNS和/etc/hosts中都要设置)
gluster peerprobe node02
Notice that running gluster peer statusfrom the second node shows that the first node has already been added.
4. Partition
the disk(磁盘处理)
4.1Assuming you have a emptydisk at /dev/sdb:
fdisk /dev/sdb
4.2 And then create a single XFS partition using fdisk
Format thepartition
mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/sdb1
4.3 Add an entry to /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/sdb1/export/sdb1 xfs defaults 0 0">> /etc/fstab
4.4Mount the partition as aGluster "brick"
mkdir -p /export/sdb1 && mount -a&& mkdir -p /export/sdb1/brick
Set up a Gluster volume
The most basic Gluster volume type is a“Distribute only” volume (also referred to as a “pure DHT” volume if you wantto impress the folks at the water cooler). This type of volume simplydistributes the data evenly across the available bricks in a volume. So, if Iwrite 100 files, on average, fifty will end up on one server, and fifty willend up on another. This is faster than a “replicated” volume, but isn’t aspopular since it doesn’t give you two of the most sought after features ofGluster — multiple copies of the data, and automatic failover if something goeswrong.
1.To set up a replicated volume:(设置复制卷)
gluster volumecreate gv0 replica 2
Breakingthis down into pieces:
the first part says to create a glustervolume named gv0 (the name is arbitrary, gv0 was chosen simply because it’sless typing than gluster_volume_0).
make the volume a replica volume
keep a copy of the data on at least 2bricks at any given time. Since we only have two bricks total, this means eachserver will house a copy of the data.
we specify which nodes to use, and whichbricks on those nodes. The order here is important when you have more bricks.
It is possible (as of the most currentrelease as of this writing, Gluster 3.3) to specify the bricks in a such a waythat you would make both copies of the data reside on a single node. This wouldmake for an embarrassing explanation to your boss when your bulletproof,completely redundant, always on super cluster comes to a grinding halt when asingle point of failure occurs.
2.Now, we can check to make sure things are working as expected:
# gluster volume info
And you should see results similar to thefollowing:
Volume Name: gv0
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 8bc3e96b-a1b6-457d-8f7a-a91d1d4dc019
Status: Created
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
This shows us essentially what we justspecified during the volume creation. The one this to mention is the Status. Astatus of Created means that the volume has been created, but hasn’t yet beenstarted, which would cause any attempt to mount the volume fail.
3.Now, we should start the volume.
# gluster volumestart gv0
Gluster does not support so called“structured data”, meaning live, SQL databases. Of course, using Gluster tobackup and restore the database would be fine - Gluster is traditionally betterwhen usingfile sizes at of least 16KB(with a sweet spot around 128KB or so).
If you want to test on bare metal, sinceGluster is built with commodity hardware in mind, and because there is nocentralized meta-data server, a very simple cluster can be deployed with twobasic servers (2 CPU’s, 4GB of RAM each, 1 Gigabit network). This is sufficientto have a nice file share or a place to put some nightly backups. Gluster isdeployed successfully on all kinds of disks, from the lowliest 5200 RPM SATA tomightiest 1.21 gigawatt SSD’s. The more performance you need, the moreconsideration you will want to put into how much hardware to buy, but the greatthing about Gluster is that you can start small, and add on as your needs grow.
OK, but if I addservers on later, don’t they have to be exactly the same?
In a perfect world, sure. Having thehardware be the same means less troubleshooting when the fires start poppingup. But plenty of people deploy Gluster on mix and match hardware, andsuccessfully.
Typically, XFS is recommended but it can beused with other filesystems as well. Most commonly EXT4 is used when XFS isn’t,but you can (and many, many people do) use another filesystem that suits you.Now that we understand that, we can define a few of the common terms used inGluster.
we can define a few of the common termsused in Gluster.
·Atrusted poolrefers collectively tothe hosts in a given Gluster Cluster.
·Anodeor “server” refers to any serverthat is part of a trusted pool. In general, this assumes all nodes are in thesame trusted pool.
·Abrickis used to refer to any device(really this means filesystem) that is being used for Gluster storage.
·Anexportrefers to the mount path ofthe brick(s) on a given server, for example, /export/brick1
·The termGlobal Namespaceis a fancy wayof saying a Gluster volume
·AGluster volumeis a collection of oneor more bricks (of course, typically this is two or more). This is analogous to/etc/exports entries for NFS.
·GNFSandkNFS. GNFS is how we refer to ourinline NFS server. kNFS stands for kernel NFS, or, as most people would say,just plain NFS. Most often, you will want kNFS services disabled on the Glusternodes. Gluster NFS doesn't take any additional configuration and works justlike you would expect with NFSv3. It is possible to configure Gluster and NFSto live in harmony if you want to.
Other notes:
·For this test, if you do not have DNS set up, you can getaway with using /etc/hosts entries for the two nodes. However, when you movefrom this basic setup to using Gluster in production, correct DNS entries(forward and reverse) and NTP are essential.
·When you install the Operating System, do not format theGluster storage disks! We will use specific settings with the mkfs commandlater on when we set up Gluster. If you are testing with a single disk (notrecommended), make sure to carve out a free partition or two to be used byGluster later, so that you can format or reformat at will during your testing.
·Firewalls are great, except when they aren’t. For storage
servers, being able to operate in a trusted environment without firewalls can
mean huge gains in performance, and is recommended. In case you absolutely need
to set up a firewall, have a look atSetting up clientsfor information on the ports used
You will need to have at least two nodes witha 64 bit OS and a working network connection. At least one gig of RAM is thebare minimum recommended for testing, and you will want at least 8GB in anysystem you plan on doing any real work on. A single cpu is fine for testing, aslong as it is 64 bit.