
2021-02-22  本文已影响0人  好想去曼大啊

The graph illustrates how the population literacy rate and infant mortality rate changed in terms of four different countries in 2002.

As it can be seen from the chat in the first factor, population, Brazil got the highest number(194.0 millions), followed by the population in Pakistan(180.4 millions). Next was Egypt(82.2 millions). Only 38.2 million people in Poland, which was significantly smaller than other three countries.

About literacy rate among these countries, Poland had the largest rate in both male (98%) and female (98%), while Pakistan had the smallest rate in male (68.6%) and female (40.3%). Brazil had the same date in male and female at 91.4 percentage. However the literacy rate male (80.3%) is larger than that in female (63.5%) in Egypt.

Fall infant mortality rate, Pakistan, Egypt and Brazil had different rate in death/1,000 live births (65.14%,27.26%,20.51% respectively). Conversely, The infant mortality rate in Poland was much less than that in other countries.

Overall, Poland was the first advanced country among four countries.

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