豹豹和你一起试读The BFG(吹梦巨人) 7
昨天晚上顺带读了两章,一章是the BFG把噩梦给了fleshlumpeater giant让他做了一个可怕的梦。梦里的巨人猎手Jack其实就是爬着巨大豌豆藤偷了金鸡的那位。
晚上他们一行九人又外出捕食了,索菲很生气同时想阻止他们,于是她和the BFG想办法。
The Great Plan
‘They is going two times as fast as me and they is finishing their guzzle before we is halfway.’
twice as …as/three times as …as 巨人语法不好,two times但是结构完全正确。
‘Will he snatch them out of their beds while they’re sleeping?’
‘Like peas out of a poddle,’ the BFG said.
‘I can’t bear to think of it!’ Sophie cried.
这里面有一个固定表达like peas in a pod一模一样(想象豆荚里的两颗豆子的确差不多)
can't bear to 昨天刚标记过。(见纳尼亚)
She and the Big Friendly Giant sat quietly side by side on the blue rock in the gathering dusk.
side by side 肩并肩地
in the gathering dusk 越来越浓的暮色中
Grown-up human beans is not famous for their kindnesses.
用be famous for表达性格特征,服气。
‘I’ve got it! By golly, I think I’ve got it!’
有办法了。by golly天啊!在查理和巧克力中出现过
‘She is never believing you,’ he said. ‘Never in a month of Mondays.’
这里是说fleshlumpeater还想抓女王,索菲想办法要去通知,the BFG说她不会信的,一年365天都不会信。
Never in a month of Mondays.恕我真的不明白,先放这里吧。
'Then it’s up to us to find a way of making her believe in them,’ Sophie said.
‘Now hold on a sec,’ Sophie said. ‘Just you hold on a sec because I’ve got another idea.’
it's up to you ...
hold on a sec(second)等一下
'Don’t you worry about that part of it,’ Sophie said. ‘I can fix that.’
‘Never can you fix it,’ the BFG said.
‘Of course,’ the BFG said. ‘But how is this helping us! I think you is barking up the wrong dog.’
笑死我了。这里面barking up the wrong dog豹豹查了下其实原词组是bark up the wrong tree攻击错了目标
Bark: If you bark at someone, you shout at them aggressively in a loud, rough voice. 咆哮,本来的意思是狗叫;The wrong tree:错误的那棵树;
字面来看,bark up the wrong tree意思是对着错误的树咆哮; in English, it means: To make a wrong assumption about someone or something. 意思就是说:对某事或者某人做出了错误的假定,也就是攻击错了目标;
‘Do they eat them on the spot or do they carry them away first?’ she asked.
...so that she can send her soldiers and her armies to capture them once and for all.
on the spot 当场 (出现过此用法)
once and for all 彻底地,一劳永逸(出现过此用法)
'We’ll come to that later,’ Sophie said.
‘You couldn’t get one if you wanted to,’ Sophie said. ‘Humans don’t grow them.’
That did it. The BFG got to his feet. ‘When is you wanting me to mix this special dream?’ he asked.
That did it. 就是It worked. 这话起作用了
‘If we can’t save tonight’s children, we can anyway save tomorrow’s,’ Sophie said.