Life is hard, so live it.

2018-04-13  本文已影响13人  南半球的月亮呀

I do not remember for how many time that I just want to leave everything behind me and run away to somewhere quiet and relaxing, or even hide somewhere people will not disturb me.

I do not remember how many times that I want to scream or yell or just simply end up everything so I could enjoy a bit of peaceful time, for good.

But I know life is not easy for anyone. Everyone who is alive has their own burden to carry. They carry on, with someone wearing a smell and others in pain.

I even know that someone is suffering from depression or some sort of psychological issues. People have their own issues. Even thif most seemingly happy person might have something deep down down his or her heart that hurts a lot in the middle of the night poking his or her heart, reminding that the world is not perfect at all.

So just make a little bit effort, a bit every day to make your life beautiful and wears a smell if you can to make the world better. Do whatever on your wish list to maximize your happiness and welfare of everyone around you and you.

I know a lot of times that I want to complain. I want to make complaints over all sorts of things. I want to say that I am over loaded with burdens on my shoulder. But who isn’t ?

So I think what I can do best is just to do the little things that I could easily achieve. I praise myself for being consistent putting effort on language learning as my French vocabulary is gettting larger. And the day that I could speak freely will definitely come soon. I want my son will proudly yell other people that my mum can speak French like he already did so because he thought that I could speak.

I saw that my neighbor went to work this morning. I kind of envy her because she has a office to go and have a career to thrive. I wish that one day I could do the same thing to become successful in some kind of careers. To sustain myself emotionally and economically.

I know that day would come given I pay efforts. I thank God for giving me life to this world to sense and spot the beauty of the world.

Allez. You will be there.


