

2017-07-12  本文已影响119人  慢魚爱立刻




厨房窗外的绿色草地上,蜜蜂正围着盛开的蓝铃花, 玫瑰跟百日菊忙碌采蜜;



丈夫是外资投行资深高管; 虽是40几岁大叔但健身得法,穿起西装英俊挺拔,幽默风趣,正是玉树临风又多金;不工作的我住在的五环外的别墅里,平日豪车出行,羡煞亲戚闺蜜们,都夸嫁得好; 我自也深以为然,努力保养跟化妆、努力不变老、努力学做菜、努力讨丈夫欢心。







黄油煎蘑菇在平底锅里吱吱作响,应该可以上桌了;我看了一眼餐桌旁迫不及待的丈夫,再看一眼没使用完的死亡帽(deadly webcap),微微一笑。


deadly webcap


Mushrooms are fried with butter in the pan, and it smells good; Look out of the kitchen window, bee gather honey from bluebell, rose and zinnia on a grass, hustle and bustle.

Behind the grass, there is a forest with stream, where I got the mushrooms in the early morning.

No way to have such enjoyable life in Beijing. That’s why husband and I flight such long distance to British for outskirt vacation.

My husband is a senior manager with fat salary in British capital invested corporation; hence I can be a house wife to keep a villa, a limo, and many luxuries. All my relatives and friends are jealous of my marriage. In order to maintain the relationship with my husband, I am striving for youth and beauty with makeup and skin care, and practicing culinary skill for him.

Sadly I am bound to no child since my induced abortions in teenage. I have regretted the hasty with tears, especially in the midnight. Husband rejects my adoption proposal since he has no willing to raise a kid without blood relationship. Therefore I feel painful in friends gathering with children; I think they are on purpose to bring children to laugh at me. They are just jealous. I know.

Especially the young pretty, Flower, is used to bring her cute and lovely little baby to meet us.  But I still treat her as a friend, until I aware the affair between husband and her.

I was shock, but I decide to maintain the relationship with husband in the UK trip.

He is mine, no one can steal him.

I know Husband likes UK grown mushrooms, so I surfed the web to find this B&B house that we can get natural mushroom in nearby forest. He is happy, I am happy too.

Mushrooms are fried with butter in the pan, it is ready to serve.

I glimpse my husband beside the dieting table, and then I glimpse the cut deadly webcap mushroom.

I am ready to die, accomplished with my dear husband. He is mine, no one can steal him.

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