

2020-09-22  本文已影响0人  嘛尼嘛哄



class Isolate {
  static const int immediate = 0;
  static const int beforeNextEvent = 1;

//一些特定类型的消息需要isolate的支持,比如发送暂停或者终止能力,就比如充电,电流太小或这太大,插座可能不支持,太小无法提供能量,太大会烧坏。这里其实指的是 controlport发送的消息 isolate处理不了,无法接收,消息就被无视了。
  final Capability pauseCapability;

  final Capability terminateCapability;
//设置debug name便于调试,它在转换为c embedding API的时候会被mapping成 Dart_DebugName.
  external String get debugName;

  Isolate(this.controlPort, {this.pauseCapability, this.terminateCapability});

  external static Isolate get current;

  external static Future<Uri> get packageConfig;

  // 创建一个新的Isolate, entry-point 是当前Isolate的参数,它是一个函数指针, 初始化之后 entrypoint函数将会首先在新建的Isolate内部调用,并message作为它的参数
 //通常初始化的 message会包含一个SendPort,这样就能和外部的传入message的Isolate双向通信了。  
  external static Future<Isolate> spawn<T>(
      void entryPoint(T message), T message,
      {bool paused: false,
      bool errorsAreFatal,
      SendPort onExit,
      SendPort onError,
      @Since("2.3") String debugName});

 //从指定的package中初始化一个Isolate, 并调用它的main函数,同时监听它的错误回调
  external static Future<Isolate> spawnUri(
      Uri uri,
      List<String> args,
      var message,
      {bool paused: false,
      SendPort onExit,
      SendPort onError,
      bool errorsAreFatal,
      bool checked,
      Map<String, String> environment,
      @Deprecated('The packages/ dir is not supported in Dart 2')
          Uri packageRoot,
      Uri packageConfig,
      bool automaticPackageResolution: false,
          String debugName});

  Capability pause([Capability resumeCapability]) { ..
  external void _pause(Capability resumeCapability);
  external void resume(Capability resumeCapability);

  external void addOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort, {Object response});
 // 释放上面的钩子
  external void removeOnExitListener(SendPort responsePort);
//由于isolate并行运行,很有可能出错, 建议使用正确的方式来初始化isolte,设置暂停后再执行改方法,然后再开启isolate
  external void setErrorsFatal(bool errorsAreFatal);

  external void kill({int priority: beforeNextEvent});

   //请求isolate的 response数据 
// priority: immediate/ beforeNextEvent
  external void ping(SendPort responsePort,
      {Object response, int priority: immediate});
  external void removeErrorListener(SendPort port);
  Stream get errors {
    StreamController controller;
    RawReceivePort port;
    void handleError(message) {
      List listMessage = message;
      String errorDescription = listMessage[0];
      String stackDescription = listMessage[1];
      var error = new RemoteError(errorDescription, stackDescription);
      controller.addError(error, error.stackTrace);

    controller = new StreamController.broadcast(
        sync: true,
        onListen: () {
          port = new RawReceivePort(handleError);
        onCancel: () {
          port = null;
    return controller.stream;


  1. 一次性链接,处理单一的操作

void isolateTest1() async {
  ReceivePort receivePort = ReceivePort();
  //创建一个isoLater  **The entry-point function is invoked in the new isolate with [message] as the only argument.**
  await Isolate.spawn(entryPoint, receivePort.sendPort);
  receivePort.listen((data) {
    print("receivePort: ${Isolate.current.hashCode}");
    if (data is SendPort) {
      data.send('receivePort hello!');
    } else {
      print('current isolate: $data');
void entryPoint(SendPort sendPort) {
  ReceivePort r = ReceivePort();
  print("entryPoint: ${Isolate.current.hashCode}");
  r.listen((data) {
    print('new isolate: $data');
    sendPort.send('entryPoint hello!');


main isolate: 174209548
entryPoint: 1004649793
receivePort: 174209548
new isolate: receivePort hello!
receivePort: 174209548
current isolate: entryPoint hello!
  1. 两个Isolate实时链接
void main() async {
  await isolateTest1();

void isolateTest1() async {
  ReceivePort messageRecievedPort = ReceivePort();
  RawReceivePort onExitRecievedPort = RawReceivePort((exitData) {
    print('${Isolate.current.debugName} onExitRecievedPort $exitData ');

  RawReceivePort onErrorRecievedPort = RawReceivePort((errorData) {
    print('${Isolate.current.debugName} onErrorRecievedPort $errorData ');

  //创建一个isoLater  **The entry-point function is invoked in the new isolate with [message] as the only argument.**
  //根据flutter framework的描述,`entryPoint`
   * @param1:  `Future<Isolate>` 返回一个新的Isolate对象
   * @param2:  `void Function(T) entryPoint`, 新的Isolate的入口函数,Isolate创建完成后会首先执行此方法
   * @param3: 用于传递给新的Isolate的数据,作`void Function(T) entryPoint`的参数
   * @param4: `bool paused = false`初始化创建Isolate是否先将其暂停
   * @param5: `bool errorsAreFatal = true`,指定Isolate的错误判定行为
   * @param6: `SendPort onExit` sendport退出时的回调
   * @param7: `SendPort onError`错误时的回调
   * @param8: `Isolate`的名字
   * entryPoint 
   * Future<Isolate> spawn<T>(void Function(T) entryPoint, T message, {bool paused = false, bool errorsAreFatal = true, SendPort onExit, SendPort onError, String debugName})

  await Isolate.spawn(
    onExit: onExitRecievedPort.sendPort,
    onError: onErrorRecievedPort.sendPort,
    debugName: 'malimahong',

  print('1. current Isolate: ${Isolate.current.debugName} call spawn method create new Isolate');
  SendPort sendPort;
  messageRecievedPort.listen((data) async {
    if (data is SendPort) {
      sendPort = data;
      print('3. current Isolate: ${Isolate.current.debugName} recieved 🤝');
      print('4. current Isolate: ${Isolate.current.debugName} send agree 🤝');
      sendPort.send('agree 🤝');
    } else { 
      await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:1));
      print('${Isolate.current.debugName} send $data -');

      sendPort.send('data -'); 


  1. current Isolate: main call spawn method create new Isolate.
  2. new Isolate malimahong pass sendPort to main ,say hello, start 🤝
  3. current Isolate: main recieved 🤝
  4. current Isolate: main send agree 🤝
  5. current Isolate: malimahong reieved agree 🤝 complete 🤝
    malimahong send +
    main send send + -
    malimahong send data - +

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