
2016-01-02  本文已影响0人  小兔矶

在使用overcast过去的一年中,smart speed已经成为我听播客无法自拔的一种方式:在不影响收听体验的前提下节省时间,这是原生app所不能带来的。如何你也喜欢听播客,喜欢折腾,那一定要试试这款优质app。
Overcast2.0 is available on the App Store.

小插曲,开发者Marco Arment实行这一疯狂的新型商业模式的想法

Marco Arment: I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Since only about 20% of users have paid to unlock all of the features, it always bugged me that the vast majority of Overcast’s users were using a severely limited, pretty mediocre version of the app.
The same problem bugged me with Instapaper five years ago. The outcome back then was different — I went from having free and paid versions to just a single paid version — but the goal was the same: to unify the product into one, unlimited, great app for all of its users.


