Foudations and Planning for Goal

2023-08-10  本文已影响0人  刘东利2020

随后作者还建议了Team Charter:

A team charter is a longer document, maybe a page long, that should create clarity about the team’s purpose. It should articulate to team members and others within the company why the team exists and what their long-term goals are.

什么是Team Charter呢?

The team charter is a summary of those jobs and what others can expect from the team, both immediately and over the long term. Open, transparent information about what each team does and is responsible for allows for a smoother path forward as teams work toward their own mission and, by extension, the company’s mission.



Team Charter 团队章程可能包括(但不限于):

团队价值观 Team Value

沟通指南 Communication Guidelines

决策标准和过程 Decision-making criteria and process

冲突处理过程 Conflict resolution process

会议指南 Meeting Guidelines

团队共识 Team Agreements



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