初识 AppleScript
初始 AppleScript
首先了解一下 Apple 公司创造 AppleScript 的初衷,它是用来编写运行于mac的脚本的。重要的是它是 mac 上操作应用程序为数不多的途径之一。非常方便实现一些平常工作中重复工作的脚本化,提升工作效率,避免重复劳动。
AppleScript 有啥用?
可以用来书写脚本直接生成脚本文件(.scpt)、App 文件;
可以用来编写 Cocoa App(也可以创建 Automation Action);
可以在 Alfred.app 和 Autormator.app 中使用;
可以非常方便的在 Shell 和 OC 中调用执行;
AppleScript 编辑器
MacOS 上有自带的脚本编辑器,目前支持 AppleScript 和 JavaScript。
其中有模版工程、模版代码、应用词典等功能,极大方便了 AppleScript/JavaScript 脚本的编写。

number 类型
set x to 2 get x set y to 3 get y set xy to x * y set x3 to y ^ 3
string 类型
set strX to "Hello " set strY to "AppleScript" -- 字符串拼接 set strXY to strX & strY -- 获取字符串长度 set lengthOfStrXY to the length of strXY -- 分割成单个字符并组成一个新的列表 set charList to every character of strXY -- 通过 AppleScript's text item delimiters 来指定分隔号,然后通过 every text item of 来实现分割 set defaultDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " set listAfterDelimiter to every text item of strXY set AppleScript's text item delimiters to defaultDelimiters -- number 与 string 类型转换 set numberToString to 100 as string set stringToNumber to "1234" as number
list 类型
set firstList to { 100, 200.0, "djfif", -10 } set emptyList to {} set currentList to { 2, 3, 4, 5 } -- 列表拼接 set modifiedList to firstList & emptyList & currentList -- 获取和更改列表中的元素 set item 2 of modifiedList to "2" get modifiedList set the third item of modifiedList to "abcde" get modifiedList -- 用列表中的随机元素赋值 set randomX to some item of modifiedList -- 获取最后一个元素 set lastItem to the last item of modifiedList -- 负数表示从列表尾端开始获取元素 set aLastItem to item -2 of modifiedList -- 获取第一个元素 set firstItem to the first item of modifiedList set longList to { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 } set shortList to items 6 through 8 of longList -- 逆向获取子列表 set reversedList to reverse of longList set listCount to the count of longList set the end of longList to 5 get longList -- 将 string 转换为 list set string1 to "string1" set stringList to string1 as list -- 可以用&将字符串和列表连接起来,结果取决于&前面的变量 set strAndList to string1 & stringList
record 类型
set aRecord to { name1:100, name2:"This is a record"} set valueOfName1 to the name1 of aRecord set newRecord to { name1:name1 of aRecord } set numberOfProperties to the count of aRecord
set x to 500 if x > 100 then display alert "x > 100" else if x > 10 then display alert "x > 10" else display alert "x <= 10" end if set sum to 0 set i to 0 repeat 100 times set i to i + 1 set sum to sum + i end repeat get sum repeat with counter from 0 to 10 by 2 display dialog counter end repeat set counter to 0 set listToSet to {} -- 注意下这个 ≠ 符号是使用 Option+= 输入的 repeat while counter ≠ 10 -- display dialog counter as string set listToSet to listToSet & counter set counter to counter + 2 end repeat get listToSet set counter to 0 set listToSet to {} repeat until counter = 10 -- display dialog counter as string set listToSet to listToSet & counter set counter to counter + 2 end repeat get listToSet set aList to { 1, 2, 8 } repeat with anItem in aList display dialog anItem as string end repeat
-- 这是单行的注释 (* 这是多行的注释 这是多行的注释 *)
on showAlert(alertStr) display alert alertStr buttons {"I know", "Cancel"} default button "I know" end showAlert showAlert("hello world")
-- 键盘使用组合键 Option+L 输入'¬' 可以实现代码折行 on showAlert(alertStr) display alert alertStr ¬ buttons {"I know", "Cancel"} default button "I know" end showAlert showAlert("hello world")
- 1.它可以有多个按钮的;
- 2.它是有返回值的,返回值是你最终操作的字符串;
- 3.它是可以增加输入框的,而且比你想的简单多了;
set dialogString to "Input a number here" set returnedString to display dialog dialogString default answer "" get returnedString //{button returned:"好", text returned:"asdf"} set dialogString to "Input a number here" set returnedString to display dialog dialogString default answer "" set returnedNumber to the text returned of returnedString try set returnedNumber to returnedNumber as number set calNumber to returnedNumber * 100 display dialog calNumber on error the error_message number the error_number display dialog "Error:" & the error_number & " Details:" & the error_message end try beep
就是一些特殊的关键字,类似于其他语言中的 self、return等,有固定的含义;
it:指代最近的一个 tell 对象
me:这指代段脚本。用法举例 path to me 返回本脚本所在绝对路径
在 AppleScript 的字符串比较方式中,你可以设定比较的方式:上面 considering 和 ignoring 含义都是清晰的,一个用于加上xx特征,一个用于忽略某个特征;一个特征就是一个attribute。
case 大小写
diacriticals 字母变调符号(如e和é)
hyphens 连字符(-)
numeric strings 数字化字符串(默认是忽略的),用于比较版本号时启用它。
punctuation 标点符号(,.?!等等,包括中文标点)
white space 空格
ignoring case if "AAA" = "aaa" then display alert "AAA equal aaa when ignoring case" end if end ignoring considering numeric strings if "10.3" > "9.3" then display alert "10.3 > 9.3" end if end considering
display alert "这是一个警告" message "这是警告的内容" as warning choose from list {"选项1", "选项2", "选项3"} with title "选择框" with prompt "请选择选项"
- 直接参数 紧跟list类型参数,包含所有备选项
- title 紧跟text,指定对话框的标题
- prompt 紧跟text,指定提示信息
- default items 紧跟list,指定默认选择的项目
- empty selection allowed 后紧跟true表示允许不选
- multiple selections allowed 后紧跟true表示允许多选
-- 选取文件名称Choose File Name choose file name with prompt "指定提示信息" -- 选取文件夹Choose Folder choose folder with prompt "指定提示信息" default location file "Macintosh HD:Users" with invisibles, multiple selections allowed and showing package contents -- 选取文件Choose File choose file of type {"txt"}
但是写入文件之前必须先打开文件,打开文件是open for access FileName;
最后记得关闭文件close access filePoint
set myFile to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:xiaxuqiang:Desktop:example.txt" read myFile set aFile to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:xiaxuqiang:Desktop:example.txt" set fp to open for access aFile with write permission write "AppleScript写入文本" to fp close access fp --在桌面上创建一个文件,内部包含一个txt文件,并向txt内插入文件 on createMyTxt() tell application "Finder" make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"star"} make new file at folder "star" of desktop with properties {name:"star.txt"} end tell end createMyTxt --向txt文件内写入内容 on writeTextToFile() set txtFile to alias "Macintosh HD:Users:xiaxuqiang:Desktop:star:star.txt" set fp to open for access txtFile with write permission write "你好,这是一个txt文件" to fp as «class utf8» close access fp end writeTextToFile createMyTxt() writeTextToFile()
AppleScript 中还有比较丰富的其它 Command 集合,此处也不再一一列举。
使用 mac 的邮件系统
--Variables set recipientName to " 小红" set recipientAddress to "aliyunzixun@xxx.com" set theSubject to "AppleScript Automated Email" set theContent to "This email was created and sent using AppleScript!" --Mail Tell Block tell application "Mail" --Create the message set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:theSubject, content:theContent, visible:true} --Set a recipient tell theMessage make new to recipient with properties {name:recipientName, address:recipientAddress} --Send the Message send end tell end tell
set urlMyBlog to "https://blog.csdn.net/sodaslay" set urlChinaSearch to "http://www.chinaso.com" set urlBiying to "https://cn.bing.com" --使用Chrome浏览器 tell application "Google Chrome" --新建一个chrome窗口 set window1 to make new window tell window1 --当前标签页加载必应,就是不用百度哈哈 set currTab to active tab of window1 set URL of currTab to urlBiying --打开csdn博客,搜索 make new tab with properties {URL:urlMyBlog} make new tab with properties {URL:urlChinaSearch} --将焦点由最后一个打开的标签页还给首个标签页 set active tab index of window1 to 1 end tell end tell
-- You can use any of the voices from the System Voice pop-up on the Text to Speech tab in the Speech preferences pane. -- Default Value: -- The current System Voice (set in the Speech panel in System Preferences. tell current application say "My name is LiMei. Nice to meet you. How are you?" using "Veena" say "Fine, thanks. And you?" using "Victoria" say "滚" say "我跟你说" using "Sin-Ji" end tell beep
调用 mac 的通知中心
crontab + AppleScript + 通知中心 可以做很多定制的提醒工具
display notification "message" with title "title" subtitle "subtitle" display notification "message" sound name "Bottle.aiff" -- 声音文件都在 ~/Library/Sounds 和 /System/Library/Sounds 下面
tell application "Finder" empty the trash beep -- 打开启动磁盘 open the startup disk end tell
launch application "System Events" launch application "TextMate" tell application "System Events" set frontmost of process "TextMate" to true keystroke "input string from applescript" keystroke "a" using command down keystroke "c" using command down keystroke "a" using command down key code 124 using command down keystroke " " keystroke "v" using command down end tell
其中 using command 可以使用组合,例如:key code 53 using {command down, option down}
其中的 key code 对照表如下
apple key code list: 0 0x00 ANSI_A 1 0x01 ANSI_S 2 0x02 ANSI_D 3 0x03 ANSI_F 4 0x04 ANSI_H 5 0x05 ANSI_G 6 0x06 ANSI_Z 7 0x07 ANSI_X 8 0x08 ANSI_C 9 0x09 ANSI_V 10 0x0A ISO_Section 11 0x0B ANSI_B 12 0x0C ANSI_Q 13 0x0D ANSI_W 14 0x0E ANSI_E 15 0x0F ANSI_R 16 0x10 ANSI_Y 17 0x11 ANSI_T 18 0x12 ANSI_1 19 0x13 ANSI_2 20 0x14 ANSI_3 21 0x15 ANSI_4 22 0x16 ANSI_6 23 0x17 ANSI_5 24 0x18 ANSI_Equal 25 0x19 ANSI_9 26 0x1A ANSI_7 27 0x1B ANSI_Minus 28 0x1C ANSI_8 29 0x1D ANSI_0 30 0x1E ANSI_RightBracket 31 0x1F ANSI_O 32 0x20 ANSI_U 33 0x21 ANSI_LeftBracket 34 0x22 ANSI_I 35 0x23 ANSI_P 36 0x24 Return 37 0x25 ANSI_L 38 0x26 ANSI_J 39 0x27 ANSI_Quote 40 0x28 ANSI_K 41 0x29 ANSI_Semicolon 42 0x2A ANSI_Backslash 43 0x2B ANSI_Comma 44 0x2C ANSI_Slash 45 0x2D ANSI_N 46 0x2E ANSI_M 47 0x2F ANSI_Period 48 0x30 Tab 49 0x31 Space 50 0x32 ANSI_Grave 51 0x33 Delete 53 0x35 Escape 55 0x37 Command 56 0x38 Shift 57 0x39 CapsLock 58 0x3A Option 59 0x3B Control 60 0x3C RightShift 61 0x3D RightOption 62 0x3E RightControl 63 0x3F Function 64 0x40 F17 65 0x41 ANSI_KeypadDecimal 67 0x43 ANSI_KeypadMultiply 69 0x45 ANSI_KeypadPlus 71 0x47 ANSI_KeypadClear 72 0x48 VolumeUp 73 0x49 VolumeDown 74 0x4A Mute 75 0x4B ANSI_KeypadDivide 76 0x4C ANSI_KeypadEnter 78 0x4E ANSI_KeypadMinus 79 0x4F F18 80 0x50 F19 81 0x51 ANSI_KeypadEquals 82 0x52 ANSI_Keypad0 83 0x53 ANSI_Keypad1 84 0x54 ANSI_Keypad2 85 0x55 ANSI_Keypad3 86 0x56 ANSI_Keypad4 87 0x57 ANSI_Keypad5 88 0x58 ANSI_Keypad6 89 0x59 ANSI_Keypad7 90 0x5A F20 91 0x5B ANSI_Keypad8 92 0x5C ANSI_Keypad9 93 0x5D JIS_Yen 94 0x5E JIS_Underscore 95 0x5F JIS_KeypadComma 96 0x60 F5 97 0x61 F6 98 0x62 F7 99 0x63 F3 100 0x64 F8 101 0x65 F9 102 0x66 JIS_Eisu 103 0x67 F11 104 0x68 JIS_Kana 105 0x69 F13 106 0x6A F16 107 0x6B F14 109 0x6D F10 111 0x6F F12 113 0x71 F15 114 0x72 Help 115 0x73 Home 116 0x74 PageUp 117 0x75 ForwardDelete 118 0x76 F4 119 0x77 End 120 0x78 F2 121 0x79 PageDown 122 0x7A F1 123 0x7B LeftArrow 124 0x7C RightArrow 125 0x7D DownArrow 126 0x7E UpArrow
-- 前提是当前 iTerm app 中打开了两个窗口,其中有个窗口名字叫 "2. bash" 并且该窗口中第一个 tab 中含有三个 session,本脚本的作用是让 "2. bash" 窗口中第一个 tab 中的第三个 session 变为焦点。 tell the application "iTerm" activate set theWindow to the first item of ¬ (get the windows whose name is "2. bash") if index of theWindow is not 1 then set index of theWindow to 1 set visible of theWindow to false set visible of theWindow to true end if tell theWindow set theTab to the first item of theWindow's tabs select theTab select the third session of theTab end tell end tell
-- 下面是上面的逻辑的另一种实现 tell the application "iTerm" activate set theWindow to the first item of ¬ (get the windows whose name is "2. bash") if the index of theWindow is not 1 then set the index of theWindow to 2 tell application "System Events" to ¬ tell application process "iTerm2" to ¬ keystroke "`" using command down end if end tell
set the clipboard to "Add this sentence at the end." tell application "TextEdit" activate --make sure TextEdit is running make new paragraph at end of document 1 with data (return & (the clipboard)) end tell
上面的例子都是一些比较简单的例子,还有很多有趣的例子可以自己根据需要,查询词典中涉及到的 App 的 AppleScript 接口自己做实现。关于如何使用 App 的 AppleScript 的词典,建议阅读Mac 的自动化 AppleScript 终极入门手册
- 一些跨应用的重复操作步骤使用 AppleScript/JavaScript 实现关键步骤
- 结合 Alread.app、Automator.app、crontab 等实现一些场景的触发调用
- 本地的一些工具脚本可以直接调用 AppleScript 做一些简单的输入、弹框、通知交互
- 用 AppleScript 写一个 CocoaApp 或者 Automator Action(但是可以用 Objective-C 我们就没必要使用相对不熟悉的 AppleScript)
- OC 的命令行工程可以借助 NSAppleScript 操作其它应用
- CocoaApp 工程可以通过 XPCService+ScriptingBridge+AppleScript(OC版本接口调用)启动其它应用(样例工程)
生成 Cocoa App 的 OC 接口文件
需要通过 OC 调用系统中某个 App 的接口,可以参照如下命令行导出其 .h 文件
sdef /Applications/Mail.app | sdp -fh -o ~/Desktop --basename Mail --bundleid `defaults read "/Applications/Mail.app/Contents/Info" CFBundleIdentifier`
AppleScript Language Guide 官方文档
Mac Automation Scripting Guide
AppleScript for Absolute Starters