2019-03-09-Venezuela: huge power

2019-03-09  本文已影响0人  相思清狂

原文载于The Guardian杂志:https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/mar/07/venezuela-hit-by-major-power-outage

Venezuela: huge power outage leaves much of country in the dark

At least 18 of 23 states reportedly affected by blackout authorities blamed on anti-government saboteurs
Tom Phillips Latin America correspondent
Fri 8 Mar 2019 00.23 GMT

原文 译文(机译+略改)
Venezuela has been hit by a vast power cut, with at least 18 of its 23 states reportedly affected by a blackout authorities blamed on anti-government saboteurs. 委内瑞拉遭遇大规模停电,据报道,该国23个州中至少有18个州受到停电影响。当局指责反政府破坏分子实施了停电。
Commuters in the country’s crumbling capital, Caracas, were forced to walk home from work after the metro service was paralyzed by the outage, while the international airport was reportedly plunged into darkness. 委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯的地铁服务因停电而瘫痪,通勤者被迫步行下班回家。据报道国际机场也陷入黑暗。
Millions of citizens from the western state of Zulia to Amazonas in the far south were also reported to have been affected. 据报道,从西部的Zulia州到最南部的Amazonas州,数百万公民也受到了影响。
The Venezuelan news website El Pitazo reported that the outage appeared to be the result of a failure at the Simón Bolívar hydroelectric plant in the southern state of Bolívar. 委内瑞拉新闻网站El Pitazo报道称,停电似乎是由于南部玻利瓦尔州西蒙玻利瓦尔水电站发生故障。
Members of Nicolás Maduro’s crisis-stricken government claimed opposition wreckers had targeted the plant, which is also known as Guri. 尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)领导的危机缠身的政府的成员声称,反对派的破坏者把目标对准了这座又名古里(Guri)的核电站。
“The black out has been caused by sabotage at Guri,” tweeted the official account of the television program of Maduro’s second-in-command, Diosdado Cabello. 马杜罗的副手迪奥斯达多·卡贝罗(Diosdado Cabello)在其电视节目官方账号上写道,“古里的破坏导致了停电。”
“This is not an attack on the government. It is an attack on the people,” Venezuela’s electricity minister, Luis Motta Domínguez, told reporters. “这不是对政府的攻击。这是对人民的攻击,”委内瑞拉电力部长路易斯莫塔多明格斯(Luis Motta Dominguez)告诉记者。
Maduro blamed “United States imperialism” for the problem and vowed it would be defeated. “Nothing and nobody will defeat the people of Bolívar and Chávez,” he tweeted. 马杜罗将这一问题归咎于“美国帝国主义”,并发誓要打败它。他在推特上写道:“没有任何事情、任何人能够打败玻利瓦尔和查韦斯的人民。”
Venezuela’s state-run power company, Corpoelec, claimed the blackout was “part of the electricity war against the state” and said it was working to restore supply. 委内瑞拉国有电力公司Corpoelec声称,停电是“抵抗国家的电力战争的一部分”,并表示正在努力恢复供电。
Amid a crippling economic crisis, shortages of water and power – which experts blame on mismanagement, corruption and poor maintenance – are now common. Even upmarket restaurants and hotels in Caracas are regularly deprived of both. 在严重的经济危机中,水和电的短缺——专家们将其归咎于管理不善、腐败和维护不善——现在很常见。即便是加拉加斯的高档餐厅和酒店也经常被取消这两项服务。
Even so, Thursday’s power outage appeared to be unusually severe even by Venezuelan standards. 即便如此,即使以委内瑞拉的标准来衡量,周四的停电似乎也异常严重。
“The international airport … is almost totally without electricity at this moment,” the opposition politician, Jony Rahal, informed his Twitter followers in a video. 反对派政客乔尼·拉哈尔(Jony Rahal)在一段视频中告诉他的Twitter追随者:“国际机场……目前几乎完全断电。”
“What can we say? We’re tired of this government,” one frustrated commuter told the Venezuelan TV channel NTN24. “我们能说什么呢?”我们厌倦了这个政府,”一位沮丧的通勤者告诉委内瑞拉电视频道NTN24。
The blackout was so severe that one Venezuelan journalist asked his Twitter followers to report if they had electricity, not if they did not. 停电如此严重,以至于一名委内瑞拉记者要求他的Twitter追随者有电报告、无电不报告。
The United States senator Marco Rubio – who has thrown his weight behind efforts to unseat Maduro and replace him with opposition leader Juan Guaidó – described the blackout as further proof that Venezuela’s strongman ruler was on his way out. 美国参议员马尔科·卢比奥(Marco Rubio)支持推翻马杜罗,让反对派领袖胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)取代马杜罗的行动,他称停电事件进一步证明这位委内瑞拉独裁统治者即将下台。
“MaduroRegime is a complete disaster,” Rubio tweeted. “马杜罗政权是一场彻底的灾难,”卢比奥在twitter上写道。
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