

2021-03-27  本文已影响0人  iOS_Coder

由于Foundation况下中的NSKeyValueObserving并未开源,而且通过C++代码和汇编代码也看不到KVO内部具体的逻辑,所以我们无法研究KVO的target到底会不会造成循环引用,所以有了我们下面的新探索→GNUStep base

@implementation NSObject (NSKeyValueObserverRegistration)

- (void) addObserver: (NSObject*)anObserver
      forKeyPath: (NSString*)aPath
         options: (NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options
         context: (void*)aContext
  GSKVOInfo             *info;
  GSKVOReplacement      *r;
  NSKeyValueObservationForwarder *forwarder;
  NSRange               dot;


  [kvoLock lock];

  // Use the original class
  r = replacementForClass([self class]);

   * Get the existing observation information, creating it (and changing
   * the receiver to start key-value-observing by switching its class)
   * if necessary.
  info = (GSKVOInfo*)[self observationInfo];
  if (info == nil)
      info = [[GSKVOInfo alloc] initWithInstance: self];
      [self setObservationInfo: info];
      object_setClass(self, [r replacement]);

   * Now add the observer.
  dot = [aPath rangeOfString:@"."];
  if (dot.location != NSNotFound)
      forwarder = [[NSKeyValueObservationForwarder alloc]
        initWithKeyPath: aPath
           ofObject: self
         withTarget: anObserver
        context: aContext];
      [info addObserver: anObserver
             forKeyPath: aPath
                options: options
                context: forwarder];
      [r overrideSetterFor: aPath];
      [info addObserver: anObserver
             forKeyPath: aPath
                options: options
                context: aContext];

  [kvoLock unlock];
@interface  GSKVOInfo : NSObject
  NSObject          *instance;  // Not retained.
  NSRecursiveLock           *iLock;
  NSMapTable            *paths;
- (void) addObserver: (NSObject*)anObserver
      forKeyPath: (NSString*)aPath
         options: (NSKeyValueObservingOptions)options
         context: (void*)aContext
  GSKVOPathInfo         *pathInfo;
  GSKVOObservation      *observation;
  unsigned              count;

  if ([anObserver respondsToSelector:
    @selector(observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:)] == NO)
  [iLock lock];
  pathInfo = (GSKVOPathInfo*)NSMapGet(paths, (void*)aPath);
  if (pathInfo == nil)
      pathInfo = [GSKVOPathInfo new];
      // use immutable object for map key
      aPath = [aPath copy];
      NSMapInsert(paths, (void*)aPath, (void*)pathInfo);
      [pathInfo release];
      [aPath release];

  observation = nil;
  pathInfo->allOptions = 0;
  count = [pathInfo->observations count];
  while (count-- > 0)
      GSKVOObservation      *o;

      o = [pathInfo->observations objectAtIndex: count];
      if (o->observer == anObserver)
          o->context = aContext;
          o->options = options;
          observation = o;
      pathInfo->allOptions |= o->options;
  if (observation == nil)
      observation = [GSKVOObservation new];
      observation->context = aContext;
      observation->options = options;
      [pathInfo->observations addObject: observation];
      [observation release];
      pathInfo->allOptions |= options;

  if (options & NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial)
      /* If the NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial option is set,
       * we must send an immediate notification containing the
       * existing value in the NSKeyValueChangeNewKey
      [pathInfo->change setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 1]
                           forKey:  NSKeyValueChangeKindKey];
      if (options & NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew)
          id    value;

          value = [instance valueForKeyPath: aPath];
          if (value == nil)
              value = null;
          [pathInfo->change setObject: value
                               forKey: NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];
      [anObserver observeValueForKeyPath: aPath
                                ofObject: instance
                                  change: pathInfo->change
                                 context: aContext];
  [iLock unlock];

注意观察 GSAssignZeroingWeakPointer 最终observer是通过该方法赋值给了GKSKVOInfo中的observation


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