
2019-12-29  本文已影响0人  hbi7341

Project Case Study – Semester 3NIITTitle: Quiz Management System:OnlineTrainingHub is a training company. It trains thousands of student across multiple cities. Thestudents take the quiz examination after the training program. The quiz is currently being conductedusing a pen and paper method. However this system is inconsistent, prone to error and time consuming.Samuel is an IT trainer and he wants to develop “Quiz Management System” software using java. Thesoftware uses the following guidelines:1. On running the software, a student is asked to register in the software. The followinginformation is required during the registration process:a. User Nameb. User IDc. Password2. After the successfully registration, the user is asked to login. During login, the user needs toprovide the following information (already available in step 1):a. User IDb. Password3. After successful login, the user is presented with Quiz screen with one question at a time. A totalof 20 questions will be presented to the user. Each question has the following information:a. Question IDb. Question Textc. Option Ad. Option Be. Option Cf. Option Dg. Answer (could be A/B/C/D)4. At the eSystem留学生作业代做、代写program课程作业、Java实验作业代做、Java编程语言作业调试 代做留学生Prond of the quiz, the user is presented with the feedback screen with the followinginformation:a. Total Questionsb.c.CorrectIncorrectd. Percentage (the percentage should be kept in the Score variable mentioned in Step 1)Samuel has to design the user interfaces as follows: Project Case Study – Semester 3NIITUser RegistrationUser LoginRegistration Screen..Enter personal details to registerNameUser IDOk CancelPasswordConfirm PasswordLogin ScreenEnter Login ID and Password to LoginUser IDPasswordRegister Login Cancel Project Case Study – Semester 3NIITQuiz ScreenFeedback ScreenFeedback ScreenThanks Jack Simpson!! Here is the summary of your quiz:Close*NOTE : ADD EXAM INSTRUCTION WINDOW BEFORE EXAM GET STARTInstruction are given below: To start the Online Test Click Start Test Button Below1. Total Number of Question 20.2. Each question carry 1 point, no negative marks.3. Please select correct answer from A/B/C/D4. Click Save button in the bottom of this page to submit your answers.5. To attempt next question click on Next. once next question appers you can not reveiew previous question.转自:http://www.daixie0.com/contents/9/4636.html

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