研经日课 -- 三年研经计划

【研经日课440天】Study 9 Mark 4:21-34

2020-07-13  本文已影响0人  CoramDeo
经文:可 4:21-34

24耶稣又对他们说:“要留心你们所听到的,你们用甚么尺度量给人, 神也要用甚么尺度量给你们,并且要超过尺度给你们。25因为那有的,还要给他;那没有的,就算他有甚么也要拿去。”
26耶稣说:“ 神的国好象人在地里撒种,27他夜里睡觉,白天起来,种子发芽生长,自己也不知道怎么会这样的。28地生五谷是自然的,先长苗,后吐穗,最后穗上结满了子粒。29庄稼熟了,就派人用镰刀割下,因为收成的时候到了。”
30又说:“我们要把 神的国比作甚么呢?我们可以用甚么比喻来形容它呢?31它好象一粒芥菜种,刚种下去的时候,比地上的一切种子都小,32种下以后,生长起来,却比一切蔬菜都大,长出大枝子,甚至天空的飞鸟都可以在它的荫下搭窝。”

  1. 21-25节。听道人对于(a)他用他的知识如何行,(b)对他个人对他所听到的东西的反应,当负的责任是什么?因此,什么是(a)神对属灵特权所预期的结果,和(b)属灵进步的条件? 参看 可3:14
    vv21-25. What is the responsibility of the hearer (a) for what he does with his knowledge, and (b) for his personal response to what he hears? What therefore are (a) the divinely intended consequences of spiritual privilege, and (b) the conditions of spiritual progress? Cf. Mk. 3:14
  2. 26-34节。在这个比喻中,关于主耶稣:(a) 第一次降临,和(b) 第二次降临的性质和目的,有什么暗示呢?参考 诗126:6。这两个比喻,对于神话语的种子撒在人心时,说明了什么真理呢?
    vv26-34. What is suggested in this parable concerning the character and purpose of (a)the first coming, and (b)the second coming into the world of the Lord Jesus? Cf. Ps. 126:6. What truth do both of the parable here illustrate concerning the seed of God‘s word when it is sown in human hearts?

*注Note: 26,30节。"国度/国",这个词(特别是在旧约中)主要表示 "主权",即国王所行使的统治权力,其次才是 "疆界",即他所统治的范围或领土。 ”神的国如同……”(26节)实际上是指 ”神使用祂的权利以及在世人中实现其目的的方法,乃是像这样……”。
vv26, 30. "Kingdom", this word (particularly its Old Testament antecedent) signifies primarily "sovereignty", i.e., the sway exercised by a king, and only secondarily "realm", i.e., the sphere or territory over which he rules. "The kingdom of God is as ..." (v26) virtually means "the way God exercises His sway and woks out His purposes among emerging is like this“.


