酷奇每日推荐 2021-09-01
2021-09-01 本文已影响0人
Pull Github上【酷文奇题】的工程之后,仅需要Pod Install之后,即可运行工程。
- 无法下载并编译Cocoamarkdown工程,目前Cocoamarkdown是以内嵌的工程加入到项目中的,在上传的Github的时候,貌似是一个链接,这导致下载工程时,只是一个空的工程,没有任何内容。
- 删除不必要的内容,下载工程时,会同时下载很多没有用的内容。Github上的最新版本的内容还是包含了很多已经从工程中删除的内容。
- 将Cocoamarkdown工程以Pod的方式,用CocoaPods进行引入。目前找到了https://github.com/fgulan/CocoaMarkdown,为Cocoamarkdown添加了Pod的方案。
- 之前工程遇到不需要的内容是,采用的是remove reference,这可能是导致Github上没有删除的原因。现在统一进行删除,并重新Push。
- What was the latest version of iOS you worked with? What do you like about it and why?
- What is an iOS application and where does your code fit into it?
- What features of Swift do you like or dislike? Why?
- How is memory management handled on iOS?
- What do you know about singletons? Where would you use one and where would you not?
- Could you explain what the difference is between Delegate and KVO?
- What design patterns are commonly used in iOS apps?
- What design patterns besides common Cocoa patterns do you know of?
- Could you explain and show examples of SOLID principles?
- What options do you have for implementing storage and persistence on iOS?
- What options do you have for implementing networking and HTTP on iOS?
- How and when would you need to serialize and map data on iOS?
- What are the options for laying out UI on iOS?
- How would you optimize scrolling performance of dynamically sized table or collection views?
- How would you execute asynchronous tasks on iOS?
- How do you manage dependencies?
- How do you debug and profile things on iOS?
- Do you have TDD experience? How do you unit and UI test on iOS?
- Do you code review and/or pair program?