Day 82 English Central-沟通成语3个
Day 82-英语学习打卡
Date:22nd Dec
Topic:English Central-沟通成语3个
hit the nail on the head
In this video, you will learn the popular phrase "hit the nail on the head."
To "hit the nail on the head" means to be exactly right about something.
For example, when you said it was going to rain today,... hit the nail on the head.
Watch, learn and speak this phrase... practice using "hit the nail on the head" in simple conversations.
"Hit the nail on the head" is to be right or precise about something.
The professor hit the nail on the head when she said that we cannot demand respect; respect must be earned.
You're right, he is too shy. You hit the nail on the head.
Hot Potato.
It means a difficult situation or issue to deal with.
The issue of cyberbullying has become a hot potato.
He avoids giving comments about political hot potato issues.
She dropped the topic like a hot potato.
Hands Are Tied.
It means unable to help someone because of lack of power or authority.
There's nothing I can do to help you because my hands are tied.
I'd like to change the way we run things here but my hands are tied.
I'd like to give her the promotion but my hands are tied.