2017-10-13 加强与Allah的联系

When any friendship or relationship of yours suffers or strengthens, look at your deeds and realize that these also had an effect.
Our Prophet (salla Allah alayhi wa sallam) said, "I swear by the One in whose Hands is my soul, never do two people who love one another break that relationship except due to a sin that one of them did" [Reported by al-Bukhārī in his Adab al-Mufrad].
我们的先知(愿主福安之)曾说:“我以掌握我灵魂的安拉起誓,两个相爱的人永远都不会分开,除非他们中的一方犯下罪恶。”(布哈里在其著作《Al-Adab al-Mufrad》中传述)
This applies to spouses, family and friends. Perfecting our worship of Allah blesses us in every aspect of our life; committing sins has the opposite effect, unless we repent. And of the greatest blessings and joys of life (and, conversely, potentially the greatest pains and source of grief in life) are our spouses, families and friends.
When one's relations with all of these are good, one's life is so much sweeter and easier. And when one strengthen's one's relationship with the Divine, He blesses all of those human relationships.
May Allah allows us to use each and every incentive to strengthen our bonds with Him!
原文:Yasir Qadhi/Facebook