

2019-06-03  本文已影响0人  自观问渠



1. 英英释义:to give what is needed to someone 

例句:Many Europeans believe that accommodating refugees is a moral obligation. 

2. 为什么选这个词? 

“accommodate”是及物动词,最基本的意思是“为......提供住宿、容纳”,稍微延伸一下,它还有“帮助、为…提供方便、对…予以照顾性考虑”的意思。做这个意思来讲,它可以替换 help, assist, allow for 等词,在《经济学人》中经常可以看到,在口语和写作中使用这个词可以实现表达的多样化。下面我们来看一些例子。 


Many Europeans believe that accommodating refugees is a moral obligation.


Many Europeans believe that it is a moral obligation to accommodate refugees.


The new policy fails to accommodate the children of migrant workers.


To accommodate readers with mobility disabilities/impairments, the new library has built two wheelchair ramps.

最近《经济学人》一篇关于全球变暖的文章中讨论到了,在环境恶化最严重的地方政府应该竭尽全力帮助民众,其中就用到了 accommodate: 

Better for governments to manage the influx, building roads and schools to accommodate the newcomers.

两年前《经济学人》在一篇讨论类似话题的文章中也用到了 accommodate 同样的用法: 

What to do? One answer is to help people move. Thriving places could do more to build the housing and infrastructure to accommodate newcomers.(有没有注意到?第三句话中的 accommodate 呼应第二句话中的 help)

《经济学人》在一篇书评中也用到了 accommodate: 

On the independence of the American colonies, religious variety underpinned the separation of church and state. For its part, commerce-minded Venice ignored the injunctions of Catholic preachers and accommodated Jewish traders, as well as Muslims, when not fighting the Ottomans.(根据语境,这里的 accommodate 有 welcome, accept 的意思)

3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 

1)翻译下面的句子: 这所学校专门帮助有听觉障碍的学生。 (专门 be built to do, 听觉障碍 listening disabilities)

This school is built to accommodate students with listening/hearing disabilities/impairments.


例1:The research institution is built to accommodate educators with key performance indicators, such as learning curve for schoolchildren. 仿写翻译句

例2:Alipay, the payment arm of Alibaba, has spawned new modules to accommodate all manner of clients. 开发新模块

例3:Most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. Understandably, we are reluctant to accommodate ourselves to a foreign cuisine. 饮食习惯的积习难改


accommodate sb with sth

accommodate oneself to sth

accommodate the needs of someone

accommodate sb who+ clause


accommodate, help, assist, allow for

Many Europeans believe that accommodating refugees is a moral obligation.

This school is built to accommodate students with listening/hearing disabilities/impairments. 

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