1、 平静地开始平静的一天。
Just simply start a simple day.
2、 那温柔的一刀,令人销魂。
That soft cutting by knife , fascinated me in a long time.
3、 每个人心中都有一个猛兽!
There lives a monster in everyone’s heart!
4、 我们往往放弃了相信那个最该相信的人!
Most time, we give up trusting on the most reliable one.
5、 求己,对自己狠点吧! 这样或许生活会对你好点!
Be hard on yourself, please!
Then you maybe get a better life.
6、 所有的信心来自于我心,所有的希望寄托于我身,如此方可立足于世。
All confidence comes from your own heart, all hope lay on your own shoulders, then you can live by yourself.
7、 只有孤独是永恒的!
Only loneliness is a closer friend for ever!
8、 老板请你是来找茬的!
The boss hired you to find problems!
9、 做一个随时准备清零的人!烦恼?不是我的菜!
Be a man ready to reset any time! Toubles? Leave me alone!
10、 我倒想看看,命运这种东西到底捏在谁的手里?
I would like to know the fate is mastered by who eventually.
11、 别人说,你需要更加努力地工作,我说,你要更加聪明地工作。
They said, you need work hard.
I said, you need work smart.
12、 不要小看任何一个人,当然首先不要小看自己!
Don’t despite anyone!
Start from yourself firstly.
13、 现实逼得人不得不现实一点。
The reality makes you be realistic.
14、 过分夸大平台作用,或者过分夸大个人作用,都是闲扯淡!
That’s a bullshit of exaggerating platform’s function or personal efforts.