03-07 Dyna
hallucinate 产生幻觉
Dyna-Q:混合 Model-Free 和 Model-based


T'[s,a,s']: 从状态 s,采取动作 a,到状态 s’的概率
R'[s,a]: 从状态 s,采取动作 a的 reward

根据真实世界发生的次数,更新 T

练习: How To Evaluate T?
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- a WYSIWYG math renderer that understands LaTeX.
Correction: The expression should be:

R:模型中的 Reward
r: 真实的立即 reward

The Dyna architecture consists of a combination of:
- direct reinforcement learning from real experience tuples gathered by acting in an environment,
- updating an internal model of the environment, and,
- using the model to simulate experiences.
Sutton and Barto.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998. [web]
Richard S. Sutton. Integrated architectures for learning, planning, and reacting based on approximating dynamic programming. In
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning, Austin, TX, 1990. [pdf]
Sutton and Barto.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1998. [web]
(videos, slides)
- Lecture 8: Integrating Learning and Planning [pdf]