
2022-05-21  本文已影响0人  欢快相逢

- 你的优势和劣势是什么?

- (优势)我非常善于与其它人一起工作,在我的上一份工作中,我总是鼓励我的同事,努力创造出良好的工作氛围。

- What are your strengths and weaknesses?

- I'm very good at working with other people.In my last job,I always tried to encourage my colleagues and create a  good atmosphere.

- (劣势)我想我有时会有点粗心大意,我不是那种专注细节的人

- I suppose I can be a little bit careless sometimes.I'm not the kind of person who focuses on details .


Waht is your leadership style?


I'm very calm ,and I keep a cool head in very stressful situations.

我很喜欢作甩手掌柜 I'm quite a hands off manager.


If one of my team has a project ,I'll keep an eye on things but I don't need to be involved in every detail.


I'm very approachable ,I make sure my team know they can come to me with problems or questions at any time.


I like to lead from the front ,If everyone's working late to meet a deadline I make sure  I'm there with them.


Tell me  about a time you dealt with a challenging situation at work.


Can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated strong leadership?

Tell me about a time you dealt with a challenging situation at work?


Why do yo want this job? 


Imagine your're applying to a company shich describes itself as 'innovative" and "forword-looking",In the job advertisement ,they say they want someone who is "creative" and "flexible".



Creativity is very important to me ,and I've always wanted to work in an environment where I can innovate and find my own solutions to 


I also feel that your company will continue to evolve in the future ,and I like the idea of contributing to that development.


Imagine you're applying to a company which describes itself as "commanding respect" and which talks with pride about its

long history .In the job advertisement ,they say they want someone  who has "great communication skills" and "passion for helping others".

During the interview,they ask :Why should we hire you ?

- 我相信良好的顾客服务始于良好的沟通,而这正是我的强项,我认为在对客户的服务中,你需要知道你正在做什么

- I believe that great customer service starts with good communication which is a strength of mine . I also tink that in customer service ,you need to care about  what you 're doing .


I care about helping others and  as such I believe you would find me to be a respectful and effective team member who can fit with the established traditions of your company.


Tell me a little about yourself.


I've worked in a variety of roles and companies which I've learned a lot from,but now I'm ready for a new challenge.


Where do you see yourself five years from now?


I don't know exactly ,but the most important thing is that I continue to learn and grow in my career. I'm the kind of person who needs new challenges to stay focused. I might even start my own business ,because that's something I've always wanted to do at some point in my life.


There are three things the candidate does which you should try to avoid:

1、The candidate includes lots of unnecessary details.不要说不必要的细节。

2、He doesn't speak in full sentences. 要说完整的句子,表达完整的意思。

3、He doesn't have any clear diraction.要有明确的方向。



如何让你的回答更简洁?What can you do to make your ansewers more concise?

最好的方法是录下你说的话; the best way to practise is to record your self speaking .then,listen to yourself.

,Try to find sentences which you don't finish or words which don't add anything to your meaning .

then try again,keep practising until your answer is clean and focused.


How do you think your values fit our company culture?


使用镜像语言是指描述一件事物时用不同的词语表达.It means using some of the same words and exprssions as the person you're talking to .


Mirroring has several benefits ,First,it keeps your answers focused.


By useing the same words and phrases ,your answer will be relevant . More importantly ,it shows the interviewer that you 're listening and that you care about the questions and the company.


Mirroring is powerful .We unconsciously mirror people when we like or respect them.


Using mirroring consciously will help you to make a better imprssion .


The candidate doesn't use all four words ,but she does reference all four ideas.For example,Instead of "forword-looking ",she

talks about the company evolving the future.


You should start by researching the company you 're applying to .


How do they describe themselves ? what adjectives do they use on their use on their website or in their advertising ?


Also,read the job advertisement carefully ,Pay attention to the words they use to describle the candidate they 're looking for.

Use these words in your answers.





Remember,be ——concise ,

use ——signposting language 

use—— the STAR method to structure longer answers,and

 ——mirror key words and phrases.

英文资料摘自:《每日英语听力》APP - 《商务英语》

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