

2020-05-24  本文已影响0人  豹豹君


看到了一处注解Apres moi, le deluge 其实是"我死之后,洪水滔天"却被经常曲解为"我死之后,哪怕洪水滔天"。类似"以德报怨"人们常省略后面的话一样。不过也看出当时社会人民的憎恨。

The Painted Veil终于今天收尾。晨风带来嘈杂的凉意。车流声卷着"嘎嘎""啾啾"的鸟叫掀起了窗。如果所有的一切停止在踏往Hk的一刻就好了。到此终结是一本还算喜欢的书,后文的添加真的是条狗尾巴。脑海中盘旋的不是‘The dog it was that died.’而是Sometimes, when I’ve had half a dozen whiskies and look at the stars, I think perhaps it does.




The dog it was that died.

爱尔兰作家Oliver Goldsmith An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog《 挽歌:哀悼一只疯狗之死》

The man recoverrd of the bite. The dog it was that died.

用文中的话说‘It’s the last line of Goldsmith’s Elegy’.


She saw Waddington light a cigarette. A little smoke lost in the air, that was the life of man.

I wonder if it matters that what they have aimed at is illusion. Their lives are in themselves beautiful. I have an idea that the only thing which makes it possible to regard this world we live in without disgust is the beauty which now and then men create out of the chaos. The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead. Of all these the richest in beauty is the beautiful life. That is the perfect work of art.


It is the Way and the Waygoer. It is the eternal road along which walk all beings, but no being made it, for itself is being. It is everything and nothing. From it all things spring, all things conform to it, and to it at last all things return. It is a square without angles, a sound which ears cannot hear, and an image without form. It is a vast net and though its meshes are as wide as the sea it lets nothing through. It is the sanctuary where all things find refuge. It is nowhere, but without looking out of the window you may see it. Desire not to desire, it teaches, and leave all things to take their course.




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