
2023-06-30  本文已影响0人  刘东利2020






然而,培训业在当时的中国可以说是一片空白,更不用说把传统的教练概念移植到人力资源培训的领域里。甚至在亚洲的发达地区,运用教练在企业中培养人才都是一种新思维。当时为了便于推广,我们还专门为这个兴起的专业创作了一个新名词:教练技术(Coaching Technology)。

所以,教练技术 = 人力资源培训 + 教练概念,起源清楚了。

人力资源培训这个范畴,基本上不会让人理解有偏差;但是,什么是教练概念?尤其要注意的是,这里的“教练”更多的是面向企业中培养人才的诉求 —— 所以,我们寻找一下权威的定义。

几个来源,先看ICC(International Coaching Community):

Coaching has been defined in many ways. The essence of coaching is:

- To help a person change in the way they wish and helping them go in the direction they want to go.

- Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be.

- Coaching builds awareness empowers choice and leads to change.


Coaching, defined as an ongoing approach to managing people:

- creates a genuinely motivating climate for performance

- improves the match between an employee's actual and expected performance

- increases the probability of an employee's success by providing timely feedback, recognition, clarity and support

再看HBR的文章The Leader as Coach

This conception of coaching represents an evolution. Coaching is no longer just a benevolent form of sharing what you know with somebody less experienced or less senior, although that remains a valuable aspect. It’s also a way of asking questions so as to spark insights in the other person. As Sir John Whitmore, a leading figure in the field, defined it, skilled coaching involves “unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance.” The best practitioners have mastered both parts of the process—imparting knowledge and helping others discover it themselves—and they can artfully do both in different situations.

还有HBR的另一篇文章Coaching for Change

In 1970 one of us (Richard) developed a theory of intentional change, which has become canon in psychology and management science. Intentional change involves envisioning the ideal self (who you wish to be and what you want to do in your work and life); exploring the real self (the gaps you need to fill and the strengths that will help you do so); developing a learning agenda (a road map for turning aspirations into reality); and then experimenting and practicing (with new behaviors and roles).

Good coaches help people through this process. Note that we used the word “help,” not “guide,” “lead,” “push,” or “pull.” You’re not there to tell anyone what to do. You’re there to ask good questions and listen intently, to offer compassion, to explore a person’s individual vision, and to build a caring relationship. Your job is to assist someone else with making a change, and how you go about it matters. You’re there to help him or her spot the learning opportunity, set the groundwork, and see things through.


Note that we used the word “help,” not “guide,” “lead,” “push,” or “pull.”  —— 一个事情不是什么,可能才讲清了自己的边界,不然很容易变成这样那样都可以、包罗万象、包治百病。


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