
2019-05-25  本文已影响0人  RedStar74
我的祖国 My Motherland
一条大河波浪宽 Along the course runs a wide river
风吹稻花香两岸 Through the paddy goes a fragrant breeze
我家就在岸上住 On the shore lives my family
听惯了艄公的号子 Ahoy the boatmen chant
看惯了船上的白帆 Up they hoist the ivory sail
这是美丽的祖国 Beautiful our motherland
是我生长的地方 Land where I was born and raised
在这片辽阔的土地上 Land ranging thousand miles
到处都有明媚的风光 Land of enchanting scenery
姑娘就像花儿一样 Attractive are our beautiful girls
小伙儿心胸多宽广 Handsome are our hunky boys
为了开辟新天地 Brand new ground as we break
唤醒了沉睡的高山 Wakes the mountain from its drowse
让那河流改变了模样 Refashions the river to its best
这是英雄的祖国 Heroic our motherland
是我生长的地方 Land where I was born and raised
在这片古老的土地上 Land witnessing thousand years
到处都有青春的力量 Land of youth and vitality
好山好水好地方 Magnificent is the landscape
条条大路都宽敞 Broad are the boulevards
朋友来了有好酒 Hosting our friends with tasty wine
若是那豺狼来了 In case jackals come and visit
迎接它的有猎枪 Address our greetings in bullets
这是强大的祖国 Hearty our motherland
是我生长的地方 Land where I was born and raised
在这片温暖的土地上 Land under warmth and joy
到处都有和平的阳光 Land of harmony and peace

