

2019-10-08  本文已影响0人  教书匠阿伦

Which has the greater effect on human behavior: nature or nurture? Hair color, height, and many other physical characteristics depend on genes, or nature, but the origin of behavior, intelligence, and personality is not so clear. Most scientists agree that both genes and the environment play a role in behavioral development, but disputes still rage over the degree of influence exerted by each.


A branch of psychology known as behavior genetics examines the genetic base of behavioral and personality differences among people. Behavior genetics is a controversial field, since misuse of psychological research into the genetic roots of behavior can have horrifying results. Several generations ago, psychologists and other scientists used arguments about the genetic influence on behavior and intelligence to support racist theories about the superiority of Anglo Americans. Moreover, these theories often became the foundation of public policies that discriminated against African Americans and Native Americans. Today, behavior geneticists carefully consider the potential political repercussions of their work.


Behavior Genetics is a branch of psychology that examines the genetic base of behavior and personality differences among people. An understanding of genetics begins with the following basic concepts:

A vast number of cells make up the human body. Each cell has forty-six chromosomes, which come in twenty-three pairs. The only exceptions are sex cells.

Sex cells are sperm in males and eggs in females. Each sex cell has only twenty-three chromosomes.

Chromosomes are made up of thin strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Each chromosome pair contains thousands of genes.

Genes are segments of DNA that function as hereditary units. Genes are carried on chromosomes.

DNA is made up of units called Nucleotides. There are only four different nucleotides, labeled A, C, G, and T. Long strings of nucleotides make up genes.

Genes get translated into proteins, which carry out various functions in our bodies. For instance, some proteins serve as the building blocks of cells. Other proteins function as enzymes or hormones.






DNA由核苷酸组成。四种核苷酸单体分别是 A、C、G、T。核苷酸单体配对形成的双链构成DNA分子。


Monogenic and Polygenic Traits单基因和多基因性状Some characteristics or traits are controlled by a single gene, which means they are Monogenic. A single gene, for example, can be part of what brings about alcoholism or schizophrenia. Most traits are controlled by the actions of several genes, which means they are Polygenic. For example, a person’s intelligence is linked to the combination of several genes. The environment also shapes traits, and later in this chapter we will discuss how genes interact with the environment to produce psychological traits.单基因性状指的是人类的某些特征或性状是由单个基因所控制的。例如,酗酒或精神分裂症产生的根源可能与某单一基因有关。多基因性状指的是人类的大多数性状是由几个基因共同决定的。例如,一个人的智力与多个基因组成的基因群有关。本文后面的章节会讲到,环境也会影响性状,而且,基因与环境的相互作用是造成人类某些心理性状的原因。

Heritability遗传可能性In a group of people, a particular psychological trait, such as intelligence, usually varies a lot. Differences in groups may be due to genes or the environment, and researchers use a statistic called heritability to see which has the largest influence. Heritability is a mathematical estimate that indicates how much of a trait’s variation can be attributed to genes. There are three important principles of heritability:

Heritability estimates don’t reveal anything about how much genes influence a person’s traits. These figures tell us only to what extent trait differences between people can be attributed to genes.

Heritability depends on the similarity of the environment for a group of people. In a group of people who share similar environments, heritability of a particular trait may be high. However, that same trait may have low heritability in a group of people who operate in different environments.

Even if a trait is highly heritable, it can still be influenced by environmental factors.





Example: Imagine that ten people live in identical environments. Somehow, they experienced identical prenatal environments while in their mothers’ wombs, were raised in identical homes by parents who were identical in every way, and had all the same childhood and adulthood experiences. Suppose that these ten people turn out to be different with respect to one trait, such as the rate at which they can wiggle their ears. Since both genes and environment can influence traits, these differences would have to be genetic, since they could not be due to differences in environment. In such a case, heritability of the ear-wiggling trait would be close to 100 percent. Now suppose some of these ten people enter different ear-wiggle training camps. The camps vary in effectiveness, so the subjects in some camps increase their ear-wiggling rates, while other subjects remain the same. After the camp training, environment would account for some of the differences among the ten people in ear-wiggling ability. A smaller proportion of the differences would be due to genes alone. Therefore, heritability would be lower.


行为遗传学行为遗传学(behavioral genetics)是研究支配生物的向光、向地、摄食、求偶、育儿、攻击、逃避以及学习与记忆等行为的基因和基因表达的时间、场所及作用途径等的遗传学分支学科。行为是受基因控制的复杂的生物学过程。每一种生物都有它特殊的行为,越是低等的生物,行为模式就越单纯。但是各种生物的行为之间又有许多共同之处,所以对各种行为的遗传学研究既有阐明不同生物特殊行为的遗传基础的意义,又有普遍的生物学意义。


达尔文的自然选择理论在生命科学界得到了广泛的认同。按照达尔文的理论,长颈鹿的脖子之所以长,是因为短颈的无法吃到合适的食物而饿死了,只有长颈的得到了繁衍。现代遗传学的发展同样也证实了达尔文理论的正确性,按中心法则(genetic central dogma)的说法,遗传信息从DNA传递给RNA,再从RNA传递给蛋白质,即完成遗传信息的转录和翻译的过程。也可以从DNA传递给DNA,即完成DNA的复制过程。通俗来讲,DNA制造RNA,RNA制造蛋白质,蛋白质反过来协助前两项流程,并协助DNA自我复制,同时蛋白质也是真正形式体内功能的载体。简单来说,DNA是什么样,生物就会按照这个编码长成相应的个体。



表观遗传学,被人们认为是“新遗传学”。简单来讲,就是研究DNA序列不变,但基因表达可遗传的一门遗传学分支学科。自1942奥地利发育生物学家Conrad Waddington首次提出表观遗传学(Epigenetic)概念,表观遗传学得到了广泛的关注和蓬勃的发展,已经成为生命科学领域的前沿和热点,而应用最为广泛的就是针对表观遗传调控因子进行靶向药物设计,进行新药研发。你怎么看?欢迎大家文末给阿伦老师留言!

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