
春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

2018-04-03  本文已影响0人  龚秀娟GraceGong

春天到了,我和学生,一起开启春天的绘画。Spring is here. Me and my students, we start our date with spring now — painting.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

武汉美术馆,是在原汉口金城银行大楼的基础上改扩建而成。Wuhan art gallery, is an extension project which build on the old  Jincheng Bank Building in hankou.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

黄茗茜同学,在专注的创作。Huang Mingxi, concentrating on her creation.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

原汉口金城银行大楼是一座4层楼的筋混凝土结构建筑,为中国第一代建筑师庄俊所设计。The old building is a 4 floors concrete structure construction. Which designed by JunZhuang, the first generation architect .

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Invested almost 2 hundred millions to build the new gallery, in 2005 . Wuhan government try to keep the original style construction, at the same time, they made scientific reformation design inside. The whole pattern is like Atrium ring corridor , now this gallery become one of the important culture facility.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

黄茗茜同学的绘画写生创作。Mingxi Huang now is painting in life .

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Wuhan museum , Selected as the second batch of national  important art gallery.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Zeran, surround with his mom’s love all the time.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Dede,Zeran, Mingxi’s art work.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

学生作品。Other students’ work show.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

带着吴语昕,吴婕昕,去看武汉美术馆的展览。 Yuxin Wu , Jiexin Wu , we together at art gallery exhibition.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


To the children, their favorite art.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

水墨的巴黎圣母院。Ink painting Notre Dame de Paris.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

青绿山水画。Blue green landscape painting.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

室外的写生课程。outdoor life painting.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring 春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

专注的吴婕昕。Dedicated Jiexin Wu.

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring 春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

吴语昕的作品。Art work from Yuxin Wu .

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Outreaching in spring,  life painting with kids .

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring


Nature is our best teacher. Looking forward to more trip with kids .


翻译:Andy - 邱兰兰

春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring 春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring 春天下的武汉美术馆-Wuhan museum in Spring

龚秀娟, 中国画书法老师,出生富硒茶之乡-恩施,家族从事茶叶经营,英语法语艺术文化交流旅行,绘画创作。

Gong Xiujuan, professeur de calligraphie et de peinture Chinoise. Née dans la riche région de Enshi, au sein d'une exploitation familiale de thé.  Passionnée par l'art et la culture Anglaise et Française, par la communication et les voyages. Artiste peintre et créatrice.

我的网站 -my website-mon site l’internet -https://www.gracegong-art.com

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