2015-12-05 本文已影响375人
- standard io
- z1.txt
- 123
- 4 5
- 6
- z2.txt
- 123
- 4.2 5
- 6
- z3.txt
- abc
- de f
- g
- z4.txt
- abc
- 123 6
- y
- scan("z1.txt")
- 123 4 5 6
- scan("z2.txt")
- 123.0 4.2 5.0 6.0
- scan("z3.txt")
- scan("z3.txt",what="")
- "abc" "de" "f" "g"
- scan("z4.txt",what="")
- "abc" "123" "6" "y"
- v<-scan("z1.txt")
- x1<-scan("z3.txt",what="") # "abc" "de" "f" "g"
- x2<-scan("z3.txt",what="",sep="\n") # "abc" "de f" "g"
- v<-scan("") # read from keyboard, empty line means end
- w<-readline() # equivalent to above
- inits<-readline("type your initials: ") # with prompt
- type your initials: NM
- inits
- "NM"
- prints(1:3)
- [1] 1 2 3
- cat(1:3)
- 1 2 3 # without [1]
- cat(x,"abc","de\n")
- 1 2 3 abc de # seperate with blankspace
- cat(x,"abc","de\n",sep="")
- 123abcde
- x<-c(5,12,13,8,88)
- cat(x,sep=c(".",".",".","\n","\n")
- 88
- file
- z
- name age
- John 25
- Mary 28
- Jim 19
- z<-read.table("z",header=TRUE)
- x
- 1 0 1
- 1 1 1
- 1 1 0
- 1 1 0
- 0 0 1
- x<-matrix(scan("x"),nrow=5,byrow=TRUE)
- read.matrix<-function(filename) {
- as.matrix(read.table(filename))
- }
- z1<-readLines("z")
- z1
- "name age" "John 25" "Mary 28" "Jim 19"
- c<-file("z1","r")
- readLines(c,n=1)
- "John 25"
- readLines(c,n=1)
- "Mary 28"
- readLines(c,n=1)
- "Jim 19"
- readLines(c,n=1)
- character(0)
- c<-file("z","r")
- while(TRUE) {
- rl<-readLines(c,n=1)
- if(length(rl)==0) {
- print("reach the end")
- break
- } else print(rl)
- }
- c<-file("z1","r")
- readLines(c,n=2)
- "John 25" "Mary 28"
- seek(con=c,where=0) # move to begin
- 16
- readLines(c,n=1)
- "John 25"
- uci<-"http://www.baidu.com/"
- uci<-paste(uci,"path/welcome.csv",sep="")
- ecc<-read.csv(uci)
- kids<-c("Jack","Jill")
- ages<-c(12,10)
- d<-data.frame(kids,ages,stringAsFactors=FALSE)
- d
- kids ages
- 1 Jack 12
- 2 Jill 10
- write.table(d,"kds")
- write.table(xc,"xcnew",row.names=FALSE,col.names=FALSE) # write without row and col names
- cat("abc\n",file="u")
- cat("de\n",file="u",append=TRUE) # append to file end
- cat(file="v",1,2,"xyz\n")
- c<-file("www","w")
- writeLines(c("abc","de","f"),c)
- close(c)
- sumtree<-function(drtr) {
- tot<-0
- fls<-dir(drtr,recursive=TRUE)
- for (f in fls) {
- f<-file.path(drtr,f)
- if(!file.info(f)$isdir) {
- tot<-tot+sum(scan(f,quiet=TRUE))
- }
- }
- return(tot)
- }
- socket
- cons<<-vector(mode="list",length=ncon)
- options("timeout"=10000)
- for (i in 1:ncon) {
- cons[[i]]<<-socketConnection(port=port,server=TRUE,blocking=TRUE,open="a+b")
- checkin<-unserialize(cons[[i]])
- }
- for (i in 1:ncon) {
- serialize(c(i,ncon),cons[[i]])
- }
- repeat {
- if(remainingclients==0) break
- rdy<-which(socketSelect(cons))
- j<-sample(1:length(rdy),1)
- con<-cons[[rdy[j]]]
- req<-unserialize(con)
- }
- binwrite<-function(dt,md,cn) {
- writeBin(dt,con=cn)
- }
- binread<-function(cn,md,sz) {
- return(readBin(con=cn,what=md,n=sz))
- }
- options("timeout"=10000)
- con<-socketConnection(host=host,port=port,blocking=TRUE,open="a+b")
- serialize(list(req="checking in"),con)
- myidandnclnt<-unserialize(con)
- myinfo<<-list(con=con,myid=myidandclnt[1],nclnt=myidandclnt[2])