参考的文献是一篇综述:Primer design for quantitative real-time PCR for the emerging Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
qRT-PCR仍然是检测新冠病毒的gold standard,怎样尽可能提高其检测灵敏度,是科学家和医疗工作者非常关心的问题。
新冠病毒基因组中,经常被选择作为引物设计靶点的基因,就是E,ORF1ab和N gene。对于提高PCR的检测灵敏度,一方面我们希望对应靶点的拷贝数很高(理论上更容易被检测出来),一方面我们希望靶点在所有新冠样本中突变频率很低,否则突变位点很可能影响引物的结合。
那么选择E, ORF1ab, N有什么区别呢?
E 就是病毒的envelope protein,在几乎全部的冠状病毒中都很保守:
bat-associated SARS-related viruses
Therefore, this pancoronavirus assay is a useful tool
for screening sample collections for the presence of all
known and potentially unknown coronaviruses
也就是说,E作为target,一般是用作screening assay,是初筛病毒感染者的方法。患者感染其他冠状病毒的变体也可以被检测到。
而ORF1ab和N则没那么保守(基因长度大于E,突变也积累得多),可以用来区分新冠和其他冠状病毒,所以一般用作comfirmatory assay,作为进一步验证。当然,突变积累得多的地方更要小心,随着病毒的进化,原来的assay检测灵敏度可能受突变的影响。
The 5’ end of the probe cannot start with a G base because it can quench the fluorophore
The stem structure is more stable than the loops that are easily cleaved and by avoiding loops and targeting stems, the original RNA value can be nearly reached, even if the SARS-CoV-2 RNA is degraded under improper storage conditions before analysis,
transport and resulting in
broader applicability
It is important to check that all secondary structures have a Tm (°C) less than the qPCR annealing temperature (normally 55–60°C) to ensure effective amplification.