甘比学堂 拓展写作班


2017-01-31  本文已影响194人  8f4fa81eeba0

一 写作工具(人体动作):

basic body movement

二 用250字左右描述该片段:

This excerpt starts from a male solo. In the introduction, the black and gray dressed actor expresses his sincere fondness of the heroine, a Gumbie cat. A standard ballet standing posture, natural and graceful movements of arms, well-trained legs and toes, various facial expressions and euphonious voice, accompanied with clean piano tune— such a scene arouses audiences’ imagination.

The male actor slides around the circle surrounded by other roles, singing that “she sits and sits and sits and sits… …”, he comes in front of an antique dark brownish trunk. At the end of his lyric, “that’s what makes a Gumbie cat”, the heroine shows up with a drowsy look. She glimpses out, yawns and props up her body by her ‘’front paws’’. Then the music switches into a blithe jazz. Three female cats in colorful ornaments and costumes sing and dance beside. Shaking heads and shoulders, lifting feet and pointing at the heroine, their movements are all in accordance with each other.

The Gumbie cat rolls up and rolls out of the trunk, striding  towards the center of the stage, letting her elbows flutter up and down. Later, the mouse line up, sit on the ground with legs crossed and listen to the Gumbie cat’s command.

Lyric repeats, yet story goes on. Gumbie cat takes off her heavy coat and boots and then comes the lively heroine in solemn drum beats and trumpets. A team of cockroach, wearing leather waistcoat with yellow spots, grabbing silver fork, gathers into a matrix, salutes to their leader. Ticking and tocking, their agile footsteps drop on the floor. The formation changes into a line. Cockroaches kick legs and spin in a line to show their natural characteristic of destruction but it is banned by the Gumbie cat’s  high-pitch yells.

In the end, all roles dance in square. Each of them swings arms back and forth and kicks legs backwards in place. Except from the heroine, they all end in a posture with one knee down.

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