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代码注释中使用 Markdown 并生成在线文档

2016-07-06  本文已影响2782人  厨子

背景:如果代码注释可以生成如苹果官方文档样式的在线文档,并能使用 Markdown 语法进行编辑,将是一件极好的事情,于是发现了 这篇专题。进行精简之后就有了本文。IDE 要求 Xcode7 及以上




Markdown 基本语法

请参考 Markdown

开始使用 Markdown 语法




/// This is an **awesome** documentation line for a really *useful* variable
var someVar = "This is a variable"


请注意单词 awesome 是加粗的,因为它被两个星号对包围。而单词 useful 是斜体,因为它被一个星号对包围。
    It calculates and returns the outcome of the division of the two parameters.
    ## Important Notes ##
    1. Both parameters are **double** numbers.
    2. For a proper result the second parameter *must be other than 0*
    3. If the second parameter is 0 then the function will return nil.
func performDivision(number1: Double, number2: Double) -> Double! {
    if number2 != 0 {
        return number1 / number2
    else {
        return nil

然后,按住 option 键,点击这个函数名称,就会弹出 Quick Help,预览效果如下图:

在注释中,我们使用了两个新元素,headerordered list ,同时也使用了加粗和斜体。只要你按着 Markdown 的语法要求,使用这些特殊的字符,就可以很容易的写出富文本的文档了。下图是在 Xcode 右侧工具栏的 Quick Help 中展示文档的效果:
    It doubles the value given as a parameter.
    ### Usage Example: ###
        let single = 5
        let double = doubleValue(single)
        * Use the `doubleValue(_:)` function to get the double value of any number.
        * Only ***Int*** properties are allowed.
func doubleValue(value: Int) -> Int {
    return value * 2


    My own alignment options.
    case Left
    case Center
    case Right
enum AlignmentOptions  {
    /// It aligns the text on the Left side.
    case Left

    /// It aligns the text on the Center.
    case Center
    /// It aligns the text on the Right Side.
    case Right
func doSomething() {
    var alignmentOption :AlignmentOptions!
    alignmentOption = AlignmentOptions.Center

当我们使用枚举 AlignmentOptions 中的某一个 case 的时候,Xcode 会自动显示相对应的注释,如图所示:


有了富文本,那么再加上些 keywords 会使得文档更加完美。Xcode 会根据 keyword 渲染出对应的格式(同样适用于第三方库生成的文档),比如高亮显示 参数、返回值、某个类的作者、函数版本等。 keyword 有很多,我们只介绍最常用的几个

在 Playground 中添加以下代码:

    This is an extremely complicated method that concatenates the first and last name and produces the full name.
    - Parameter firstname: The first part of the fullname.
    - parameter lastname: The last part of the fullname.
func createFullName(firstname: String, lastname: String) {
    let fullname = "\(firstname) \(lastname)"


修改上面的代码,返回 full name,文档中添加关键字 Returns 如下:

    This is an extremely complicated method that returns the full name.
    - Parameter firstname: The first part of the fullname.
    - parameter lastname: The last part of the fullname.
    - Returns: The full name as a string value.
func returnFullName(firstname: String, lastname: String) -> String{
    return "\(firstname) \(lastname)"


写一个函数,把一个 full name,拆分为两部分:firstnamelastname,并返回。代码如下:

    Another complicated function.
    - Parameter fullname: The fullname that will be broken into its parts.
    - Returns: A *tuple* with the first and last name.
    - Remark:
        There's a counterpart function that contatenates the first and last name into a full name.
    - SeeAlso: `returnFullName(_:lastname:)`
func breakFullName(fullname: String) -> (firstname: String, lastname: String) {
    let namesTuple = fullname.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
    return (namesTuple[0],namesTuple[1])

Remark 在文档中高亮显示(吸引开发者注意),介绍代码中重要的或特殊的地方。SeeAlso 也会高亮显示,其主要是用来延伸到其他地方,或者提供一个 URL 链接,上面的代码中,引用了函数 returnFullName(_:lastname:)。文档预览效果如下:



    Another complicated function.
    - Parameter fullname: The fullname that will be broken into its parts.
    - Returns: A *tuple* with the first and last name.
    - Remark:
        There's a counterpart function that contatenates the first and last name into a full name.
    - SeeAlso: `returnFullName(_:lastname:)`
    - Precondition: `fullname` should not be nil.
    - Requires: Both first and last name should be parts of the full name,separated with a *space character*.
func breakFullName(fullname: String) -> (firstname: String, lastname: String) {
    let namesTuple = fullname.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
    return (namesTuple[0],namesTuple[1])


 - Todo: Suppotr middle name in the next version.

还有很多其它的关键字,比如:warnings, version, author, notes。把它们都加进去,然后看一下效果:

    Another complicated function.
    - Parameter fullname: The fullname that will be broken into its parts.
    - Returns: A *tuple* with the first and last name.
    - Remark:
        There's a counterpart function that contatenates the first and last name into a full name.
    - SeeAlso: `returnFullName(_:lastname:)`
    - Precondition: `fullname` should not be nil.
    - Requires: Both first and last name should be parts of the full name,separated with a *space character*.
    - Todo: Support middle name in the next version.
    - Warning: A wonderful **crash** will be the result of a `nil` parameter.
    - Version: 1.0
    - Author: Cook
    - Note: Too much documentation for such a small function.
func breakFullName(fullname: String) -> (firstname: String, lastname: String) {
    let namesTuple = fullname.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
    return (namesTuple[0],namesTuple[1])


使用 Jazzy 来制作在线文档。Jazzy 这个工具非常棒,可以生成和苹果官方文档一样的在线文档,支持 swift (默认) 和 OC。详细介绍请看 github

sudo gem install jazzy

根据提示输入密码,进行安装。如果安装失败,请查看这个 issue。成功之后会有下图这样类似的信息:

cd the_path_of_your_project_folder

由于项目中都是用的默认internal 属性,为了包含所有的内容,在终端输入:

jazzy --min-acl internal


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