A story for a tattoo.
I remember I called myself ambitious. Well I lied. Just like a person calls himself shy is no way a shy one, I'am not an ambitious girl either.
I don’t push myself hard like everybody else do. I would never put water into my boots in the winter just to make myself sober so that I can study.(one of the friends I know have done it.) And worse, I’m not crazy about money like I wish I am. Last week, a friend in the small group bought a Tesla, I felt a little envious and was happy for him, and that's it! I mean, where's the pressures I should've got from the peers competition!? I should have work hard and study hard without sleep.
Most times I just felt like to try new things and have fun. Most things that I made happen was because I was pushed to the position by my own choice and I have to deal with it. I guess I'm just willing to try new things, believe new people and take risks and the responsibilities that I don't have to. That's when I got improved. Sure things didn't work out everytime but I still appreciate the important changes on myself and the beautiful things in my life.
And I know I will be timid sometimes when facing the challenges. That's ok. I tottally have the right to be afraid. But I want to tell future Sera to always remember the history that my important and big improvements are all because that I am willing to believe and try. If there are times,oh damn I know there will be, I am at the crossroads, I want future Sera to choose the new and fun ones(big odds to be the correct ones as well) no matter how difficult they seem to be.
Don't be afraid, believe and try.