1. you yours your 弱读jə jərz jər
2. for of shopping 弱读 fər ə shoppin’
3. a quarter of three
4. a couple of other things
5. what are you/what do you→whaddaya
6. want to→wanna going to→gonna
1. YouTube重音在前
2. father-in-law 重音在前
3.descriptive phrase 名词更重一些
new things,black eyes
读错了对方会️emotional react
4. ’price range 重音在前
5. late model ’economy car
6. chocolate cake两个都重读,前一个名词是后一个的原料/主要成分:beef stew,apple pie,glass door
7. ’apple juice,’singing class 重音在前
1. soda pop汽水
2. name and shame 公布黑名单
3. her job pays handsomely
4. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
5. lemon 破车
6. burger joint 汉堡店
7. utility bill 水电费/物业费
1. 英美音都可以,但要保持一致
2. filler words 不要过度使用
actually basically
3. stomach可以读/ˈstʌm ək/也可以 /-ɪk/
4. sew /soʊ/ 又发现一个常年累月读错的词!