
2020-07-17  本文已影响0人  宇宙公民安夫人

在田納西州的提姆斯湖的湖邊四周有許多美麗的森林步道,除了可供露營,亦可散步,健行,或騎自行車漫遊,幸運的話,還偶爾可以看見穿梭於樹林間的野鹿 🦌家族。 老公爲這次的旅行備妥了不同Size 的腳踏車,在不下水的日子..,我們就騎自行車悠遊於青山綠水間..,好喜歡這樣的親子活動啊.

Jeff prepared four different size of bicycles  that way whenever we have chances going out for riding , then we can go visiting some beautiful trails with our bikes .

It was so beautiful  here where the trails around the lake , and we even found the wild deers 🦌 when we we’re going through the trails. Such wonderful experience to us !

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