托福 tpo5-p2分析

2017-10-17  本文已影响8人  坚果牛奶
  1. D
    A: Collectively,... = consists of tree cultural areas...
    B: These islands of Micronesia are small... = Melanesia, consists... of small... islands; spread out = scattered
    C: Hawaii,... = Polynesia... defined by Hawaii, Easter Island, and New Zealand.
    D: Melanesia is situated to the north of Micronesia. != Micronesia, the area north of Melanesia.

  2. A
    "mutually exclusive" 相互排外的

  3. A
    "overwhelming" 淹没的,压倒性的

  4. B
    Sailors from... = Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific Islanders. For example,... assumed that only Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific.

  5. C
    从两个地方着手,early theories 和 older theories.
    early theories: Many older theories implicitly deprecated the navigational abilities and overall cultural creativity of the Pacific Islanders. For example,... assumed that only Egyptians would have been skilled enough to navigate and colonize the Pacific.
    older theories: Contrary to these theorists,... Southeast Asia and were skilled enough as navigators to sail ...

  6. B
    "implements" = tools

  7. A
    A: 没提
    B: fishing techniques = and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques.
    C: navigational skills = include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills

  8. D
    根据第二段段尾说源自Southeast Asia.第三段解释有哪些先提条件支持这个点,定位到500BC说具体的原因,因此选D
    D: knowledge of plant cultivation = domesticated plants

  9. D
    Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the Pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals.

contrary to accidentally seems by deliberate

A: 没有提到transporting ...
B: 没有不同批次过来
C: contradicted 用错了对象

  1. C
    "undisputed" = acknowledge

  2. B
    ACD定位到These expeditions were likely driven by population growth and political dynamics on the home islands, as well as the challenge and excitement of exploring unknown waters.
    B定位到:Detailed studies of the winds and currents using computer simulations suggest that drifting canoes would have been a most unlikely means of colonizing the Pacific.选项与之相反

  3. C
    "Patrick Kirch" 所在句的as表示词句和上一句为顺承一致的关系,而前一句中however表转折,分别再往前和王后看一下,前面说支持了H的理论,后面说有另一种可能。

  4. D
    根据later和other direction进行定位,A是older theories,B是older theories的举例,C的they指代前面的G. Elliot Smith and W. J. Perry 所以选D。然后再看一下D后面开始讲新的theory所以合理。

  5. ABC

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