2022-05-10 Living By Faith

2022-05-10  本文已影响0人  春生阁

We came into the world with nothing and we’re going to leave with nothing. Everything we gain and experience along the way is a gift to be appreciated, and shared, and lost when it’s time for it to be lost.

Stop trying to figure it out — whatever it is that you’re struggling with. Let it go and keep letting it go. Let the answers come to you when the time is right. Often, the key to dealing with our struggles is to stop struggling.

Letting go doesn’t mean quitting. It means letting go of the wrong method for solving our problems and remaining open to the path that presents itself.

Take it one step at a time. Things you never even thought of will come your way. Doors will open that were once shut or that you didn’t even know existed.

Let go of your monkey mind and your inner taskmaster. Be in the moment, allowing things to fall into place, and taking action when it’s clear that you need to.

Living by faith involves less action and less self-induced stress. It involves more going with the flow, more trusting that things will work out, and that you’ll know the right thing to do at the right time. And it’s about acceptance of the fact that not everything is supposed to go your way.

It’s counter-intuitive, because we have been trained to be as busy as possible and to work as hard as possible and to fight for everything. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to take things into my own hands and failed. And how many times I’ve succeeded by letting things go. It works. Whether it makes sense or not, it works.

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