Nonchange is the background, as it were against which change is made possible.
For in regard to any change there must be some fixed point to which the change can be referred;
otherwise there can be no definite order and everything is dissolved in chaotic movement.
This point of reference must be established, and this always requires a choice and a decision.
It makes possible a system of co-ordination into which everything else can be fitted. Consequently at the beginning of the world, as at the beginning of thought, there is the decision, the fixing point of the reference.
Theoretically any point of reference is possible, but experience teaches that at the dawn of consciousness one stands already inclosed within the definite, prepotent systems of relationships.
The problem then is to choose one's point of reference for cosmic events.
For only then can the world created by one's decision escape being dashed to pieces against prepotent systems of relationships with which it would otherwise come into conflict.
Obviously the premise for such a decision is the belief that in the last analysis the world is a system of homogeneous relationships - that it is a cosmos, not a chaos.
This belief is the foundation of Chinese philosophy, as of all philosophy.
The ultimate frame of reference for all that changes is the nonchanging.