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You Drive Your Own Life 20190907

2019-09-14  本文已影响0人  JackyHCXP


Many are called, few are chosen 人生犹如大浪淘沙,只有金子才会发光。

I woke up at 5:30 this morning, it was rain in the late-night.  and it's fine now.

Word Group

Run away from the bomb, before the fuse burns down.  在导火线燃尽之前,远离这个炸弹

He is always on the lookout to prove his manhood. 他经常有意识的证明他的男子气概。

Warm up your meal in the microwave for e few seconds 用微波炉加热你的食物几秒钟

Relative Automotive News:

The Tengxing Changsanjiao already invested 4.7 billions RMB in Cherry Auto.

I learned 25 English words after washing, and I am waiting my mother on the wayside, she is buying some sea food in the morning bazaar of Wuyishan.

my children and my wife just woke up when I went back home.


