2020-06-23 本文已影响0人
established adj.已确立的;已获确认的;确定的;
Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data
- download all necessary files(bash poststart.sh)
Or selective download:link
# poststart.sh
aws --endpoint-url https://cog.sanger.ac.uk --no-sign-request s3 cp s3://scrnaseq-course/data data --recursive
- download fastq files(link)
# 查看文件
less Share/ERR522959_1.fastq
less Share/ERR522959_2.fastq
- FastQC
mkdir fastqc_results
fastqc -o fastqc_results Share/ERR522959_1.fastq Share/ERR522959_2.fastq
- Trimming Reads
mkdir fastqc_trimmed_results
# --nextera是由 FastQC报告中的‘Adaptor Content’ 决定的
trim_galore --nextera -o fastqc_trimmed_results Share/ERR522959_1.fastq Share/ERR522959_2.fastq
- Using STAR to Align Reads
mkdir indices
mkdir indices/STAR
mkdir results
mkdir results/STAR
# setp1: create the index
STAR --runThreadN 4 --runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir indices/STAR --genomeFastaFiles Share/2000_reference.transcripts.fa
# setp2: perform the mapping step
# 报错未解决: EXITING because of FATAL ERROR in reads input: short read sequence line: 0
# Read Name=@ERR522959.4784336
# Read Sequence====
# DEF_readNameLengthMax=50000
# DEF_readSeqLengthMax=650
STAR --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir indices/STAR --readFilesIn fastqc_trimmed_results/ERR522959_1_trimmed.fq fastqc_trimmed_results/ERR522959_2_trimmed.fq --outFileNamePrefix results/STAR/
STAR --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir indices/STAR --readFilesIn Share/ERR522959_1.fastq Share/ERR522959_2.fastq --outFileNamePrefix results/STAR/
- Kallisto and Pseudo-Alignment
- STAR is a reads aligner, whereas Kallisto is a pseudo-aligner. The main difference between aligners and pseudo-aligners is that whereas aligners map reads to a reference, pseudo-aligners map k-mers to a reference.
- Unlike STAR, Kallisto psuedo-aligns to a reference transcriptome rather than a reference genome.
- batch.txt文件创建参考https://pachterlab.github.io/kallisto/manual
#id file1 file2
cell1 Share/ERR522959_1.fastq Share/ERR522959_2.fastq
mkdir indices/Kallisto
mkdir results/Kallisto
# step1: produce the Kallisto index
kallisto index -i indices/Kallisto/transcripts.idx Share/2000_reference.transcripts.fa
# step2: perform pseudo-alignment
kallisto pseudo -i indices/Kallisto/transcripts.idx -o results/Kallisto -b batch.txt
- Construction of expression matrix
- R packages can be downloaded and installed directly from github using the “devtools” package.
# the most recent “master” version of the package
# different branch
devtools::install_github("tallulandrews/M3D", ref="nbumi")
# previous commit
devtools::install_github("tallulandrews/M3Drop", ref="434d2da28254acc8de4940c1dc3907ac72973135")