majority [ mə'dʒɔriti ] n. 大多数
His opinion represents that of the majority.他的意见代表大多数人的意见。
garment [ 'gɑ:mənt ] n. 衣服
The garment is studded with pearls.这个衣服上缀满了珠子
toss [ tɔs ] vt. 扔
Toss me the tea bottle, will you, tom ?把茶瓶子扔给我好吗,汤姆?
combat [ 'kɔmbət ] n. 反对 战斗
A reporter interviewed the combat hero .记者访问了这位战斗英雄。
brand [ brænd ] n. 牌子,火炬
This is a very good brand of tea .这种牌子的茶叶很好。
alternative [ ɔ:l'tə:nətiv ] n.代替品
For the moment there seemed no alternative .但在此期间,则别无他途。
trendy [ˈtrendi] adj. 流行的
We ' re going to a very trendy restaurant.我们要去一家很时髦的餐厅。
pioneer [ ˌpaiə'niə ] vt. 提倡
She pioneered the use of the drug .她最先使用这种药品。
durable [ 'djuərəbl ] adj. 持久的,耐用的。
Gold and silver are of a more durable nature .金银具有较大的耐久性。
ethical [ˈeθɪkl] adj.道德的
His behavior has not been strictly ethical .他的行为不太道德。
fad [fæd] n.风尚,时尚
Collecting stamps is a good fad. 集邮是一种好的业余消遣。
retailer [ˈri:teɪlə(r)] n. 零售商
A lot of money are spent by retailers on advertising.零售商花许多钱登广告。
arguably [ˈɑ:gjuəbli] adv. 可论证地
He is arguably the best actor of his generation.他可以说是当代最好的演员。
flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] v.兴旺兴盛
His business is flourishing.他的生意兴隆。
withering [ˈwɪðərɪŋ] adj.刻薄的,枯萎的
The flowers have withered away .花谢了。
segment [ 'segmənt ] n. 部分
Give me a segment of a tangerine to taste .给我一瓣柑橘尝一尝。
refugee [ ˌrefju(:)'dʒi: ] n. 难民
Refugees crossed the border in full spate .难民大量地越过了边境。
antidote [ 'æntidəut ] n.解药
Is that antidote strong enough to expel the poison ?这种解毒药有那么强,能驱散毒素吗?
ultra [ˈʌltrə] adj. 过激的,极端的
They practise ultra - individualism and anarchy他们搞极端个人主义、无政府主义。
sustainably [səˈsteɪnəblɪ] adv. 可持续地
It wants timber to come, where possible, from sustainably managed sources.其要求木材尽可能来自
entrepreneur [ˌɑntrəprəˈnɜ(r)] n. 企业家
The entrepreneur takes business risks in the hope of making a profit.企业家为追求利润而冒险.
obsolescence[ ˌɔbsə'lesns ] v.陈废,淘汰
Study on obsolescence of network information resources网络信息资源老化规律研究
notorious [ nəʊ:'tɔriəs ] adj. 声名狼藉的
The fact had been notorious .那一事实早已臭名远扬。
pullover [ 'pʊləʊvə(r) ] n. 套衫
Your pullover is on back to front .你的套头毛衣前后穿反了。
organic [ ɔ:'gænik ] adj. 有机的
We call this process organic evolution .我们把这种过程称为生物进化。
shrinkage [ 'ʃrinkidʒ ] n. 皱缩;缩水;
There has been some shrinkage in our export trade .我们的出口贸易已有些萎缩。
pilling ['pɪlɪŋ] n. 起球
The clothes should avoid pilling. 这个衣服应该避免起球。
pledge [ pledʒ ] n. 公约;诺言
This is our purpose and our pledge .这是我们的目标,也是我们的誓言。
label [ 'leibl ] n. 纸条,标签
Stick a label on your suitcase .把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。
chintzy [ˈtʃɪntsi] adj. 以印花棉布做成的,低廉的;
It's a chintzy hat, you can't expect it to last for long. 这帽子挺次的,你戴不多长时间。
preachy [ˈpri:tʃi] adj. 爱讲道的,爱唠叨的
They have not been " earned . " so they come out as preachy它们并没有被赢得,所以它们变得好像爱讲道理。
pitfall [ˈpɪtfɔ:l n. 陷阱
There are many pitfalls for teenagers today. 对现今的青少年来说,到处有许多陷阱。
revenue [ˈrevənju:] n.受益,财政收入
Tax revenues increased last year.去年税收增加了。
slogan [ 'sləugən ] n. 广告语,标语
The advertising slogan was a play on word .那条广告口号是双关语。
staple [ 'steipl ] n. 商品
Tea and silk are the staples of east china ..茶和丝绸是华东的主要商品。
craft [ krɑ:ft ] n.手艺,工艺,行业
He is the master who initiated me into the craft .他是我的入门师傅。
premium [ 'primjəm ] n.奖金
Such hours attract a pay premium .这种工时需偿付加班津贴。
fabric [ 'fæbrik ] n. 织物
The fabric was displayed on a wired stand .那种织物陈列在铁丝架子上。
transparent [ træns'pɛərənt ] adj. 透明的,坦率的
No material is perfectly transparent .没有一种物质是完全透明的。
coincidence [ kəu'insidəns ] n. 一致(性),巧合。
This coincidence is indisputable . 这种一致性是无可争辩的。
brick and mortar实体企业
he was utter egoist of bricks and mortar . 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。
markup [ 'mɑ:kʌp ] v.涨价
Cars have been marked up recently.最近汽车已涨价。
frock[ frɔk ] n. (妇女、小儿的连衣裙式)长衣。
Why have you that silk frock on ?你为什么要穿那件绸衣服?
sneaker[ 'sni:kə(r) ] n.鬼鬼祟祟的人,橡皮底帆布鞋。
He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers .他穿着旧牛仔裤和一双运动鞋。
manageable [ 'mænidʒəbl ] adj.易处理的,易管理的
Each string is of manageable proportions .每条线的操作是自如的。
catalogue [ˈkætəlɒg] n.目录,一览表;
I'll have to catalogue them.我得把它们编目。
hand-knit 用手编织
tailored [ˈteɪləd] adj.剪裁讲究的;
She has a trig, new tailored suit .她有一套新定做的漂亮衣服。
drop [ drɔp ] n.水滴,耳坠
Take care not to spill a drop of the medicine .注意一滴药也不要洒。
globalization英 [ˌgləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] n. 全球化,全球性
Economic globalization and the new order经济全球化的现实与国际经济新秩序的构建
garment [ 'gɑ:mənt ] n. 衣服,外衣
The children have outgrown their garments .孩子们长得衣服穿不上了。
manufacturing[ ˌmænju'fæktʃəriŋ ] adj.制造的,从事工业的
The factory is now trying to manufacture a new model .这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。
mentality[ men'tæliti ] n.智力;精神
This policy certainly engendered a defensive mentality .这种政策确实造成了一种防御心理。
investing n. 投资
Investing in industry is money well spent .钱投资在工业上是正确的。
reversing adj.回动的,倒进的
Telophase is roughly the reverse of prophase .末期大致是早期的逆向。
logic[ 'lɔdʒik ] n.逻辑,理论,压力
I am also taking argumentation and logic .我也学辩证和逻辑学。
alternative [ ɔ:l'tə:nətiv ] adj. 交替的另类的
Coal is one viable alternative .煤是一种可行的代用品。
hemp [hemp] n. 大麻;纤维
The early chinese built suspension bridges of hemp rope .古代的中国人建造过麻绳悬索桥。
neglect[ ni'glekt ] vt.疏忽,玩忽
He was dismissed for neglect of his duty .他因玩忽职守而被解雇了。
gravitating [ɡ'rævɪteɪtɪŋ] adj.受重力作用的,被吸引
Your tenderness and affection are gravitating me like a paradise where I wish I could live forever.你温柔多情,我愿意就此沉沦在你的温柔乡里。
impulse [ˈɪmpʌls] n.冲动
She bought the dress on impulse.她一时冲动买了这件衣服。
disposable [dɪˈspəʊzəbl] adj一次性的
Disposable paper bags have been developed .一种用后即可废弃的纸袋被设计出来了。