绘分享英文工厂——Love English Works


2019-07-28  本文已影响4人  畅想麦田


第一题: 请找出一首童谣,整理出它的歌词,如果 能找到它的音频、视频,就更好不过了。

《Let’s go to the zoo》

Stomp like elephants!

Let's go to the zoo.

And stomp like the elephants do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And stomp like the elephants do.

[Stomp around the room like elephants.]

Jump like kangaroos.

Let's go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And jump like the kangaroos do.

[Jump around the room like kangaroos.]

Swing like monkeys.

Let's go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And swing like the monkeys do.

[Swing around the room like monkeys.]

Waddle like penguins.

Let's go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And waddle like the penguins do.

[Waddle around the room like penguins.]

Slither like snakes.

Let's go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And slither like the snakes do.

[Slither around the room like snakes.]

Swim like polar bears.

Let's go to the zoo.

And swim like the polar bears do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And swim like the polar bears do.

[Swim around the room like polar bears.]

Let's go to the zoo.

And dance like the animals do.

Let's go to the zoo.

And dance like the animals do.



对于2-3岁的幼儿,以动物为主题提炼教学内容,例如动物词汇 elephant, kangaroos,monkey,penguin,snake, 句型 let's go 

对于3-5岁的幼儿,以动作为主题提炼教学内容,词汇stomp, jump,swim,waddle, swing,slither , 句型 do sth like 。

对于5-6岁的幼儿,以phonics为主题提炼教学内容,词汇 stomp swim swing slither, 重点学习字母S及发音

第三题:现在你的手边有了儿歌资源、教学基本内容,这下要试着设计 一个教学流程,带着孩子 一起学一学这首儿歌。你会怎么做呢?



1、热身游戏 ——猜影子  根据影子猜猜看是什么动物呢?





2-3岁 where shall we go? let's go to the zoo

3-5岁 let's go to the zoo, stomp like elephants do.

6、学单词/ Phonics






童谣的旋律简单,重复性高,歌词朗朗上口,所以我很喜欢。现在会唱《hello hello》,《head shoudlers knees and toes》,《 one little finger》 ,《row row row your boat》, 《the wheels on the bus》,《 are you hungry 》,《 little snowflake》,《 rain rain go away》,《 twinkle twinkle little star》 ,《 bingo》等十余首童谣。

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