
docker 容器名称冲突问题解决

2016-03-18  本文已影响4605人  某尤

执行 docker run 命令遇到了以下错误

sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name node-app gemini/demo

FATA[0000] Error response from daemon: Conflict. The name "node-app" is already in use by container 55a8d2226ce2. You have to delete (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.

使用 docker ps 命令发现存在运行中的容器名字也叫 "node-app"。

docker ps -l

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND            CREATED            STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES

fd3c0c622af6        gemini/demo:latest  "npm start"        18 minutes ago      Up 18 minutes>3000/tcp  node-app


docker kill fd3c0c622af6

docker rm fd3c0c622af6


docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

docker ps 命令详情:

docker ps --help

Usage: docker ps [OPTIONS]

List containers

-a, --all=false Show all containers (default shows just running)

--before= Show only container created before Id or Name

-f, --filter=[] Filter output based on conditions provided

--help=false Print usage

-l, --latest=false Show the latest created container, include non-running

-n=-1 Show n last created containers, include non-running

--no-trunc=false Don't truncate output

-q, --quiet=false Only display numeric IDs

-s, --size=false Display total file sizes

--since= Show created since Id or Name, include non-running

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