Explore the Flow(2)

2021-05-05  本文已影响0人  LONG_7

Hands-On: Explore the Flow

The Flow is the visual representation of your project pipeline. At this point in the project, it contains only three datasets and two recipes.

Flow Navigation

You can navigate to the Flow through the first menu to the right of the project title. You can also use the keyboard shortcut (G+F).

You can find a full list of keyboard shortcuts in the documentation.

Click on the Flow icon next to the project name at the top of the page to go to the project Flow.

Visual Grammar

Take some time to study the Flow. You’ll notice that shapes and colors have specific meanings in Dataiku DSS.

What’s next?

Congratulations on building your first Flow! Soon you’ll build much more complicated data pipelines with new kinds of objects, such as models.

Continue to Basics 103 to learn more about data preparation in Dataiku DSS.

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