
2017-08-12  本文已影响0人  fengyud

Notes from 《张涵 -- 托福口语看这本就够了》

Task 1 — 独立自由选择

Two structures
Example1: Talk about the person you respect most and explain why you respect him or her. Use details and examples in your response.

Allen Iverson, the NBA superstar, is denitely one of the people for whom I have a huge admiration. (Topic sentence)
I admire him a lot because he is such a hard-working guy that you would feel like there’s nothing he cannot do.(Supporting Sentence)
Once I watched an interview of his coach in high school on NBC. He said that Allen was just super diligent. He was always the first person that arrived for the training, and always the last one to leave. He usually stayed for another 2 hours after all his teammates left for dinner. So it’s definitely his hard work that made him one of the most phenomenal players in the league.(Examples/details)

Example2: If you were going to take a trip alone, what would you take with you? Please include details in your response.

If I’m traveling myself, I guess I’ll take a lot of items with me, among which my iPad is a must. You know, it’s always pretty boring when you travel alone, especially when you’re on a plane or train. With iPad, I can do a lot of things to kill that kind of boring time. For example, I can chat with my friends through MSN or Facetime, play video games, watch movies, etc. I still have a very clear memory of my trip to Australia; it’s the iPad that got me through the tedious 10- hour flight. I can’t even imagine how bored I would be if I had to sit in the cabin doing nothing for such a long period of time.

Task 2 — 多选一

Example1: Some people like to have dinner in a restaurant. Others like to cook dinner for themselves. Which do you think is better, and why? Please use details and examples to explain your answer.

I have a pretty hectic life, so I guess having dinner in a restaurant is definitely a better choice for me. (Topic Sentence)
You know, the problem is that I really don’t have that much time to cook for myself. (Supporting Sentence)
I can show you why it’s a mission impossible. I got off work every day probably some time between 7 and 8. If I want to have dinner at home, I’m going to have to spend 1 hour buying food materials in the grocery store, and probably another 1 hour cooking — I’m a terrible cook, by the way. So when I’m done cooking, it’s around 10. I seriously doubt that I still want to eat, not just go to bed or something. (Example/Details)

Example2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “It is always better to have more than one leader in a group.” Use details and examples to explain your answer.

Admittedly, more people can contribute more ideas, but I don’t think having multiple leaders in a group always helps us work better. In many cases, this is quite a deficiency because it seriously slows down the decision-making process. Let me give you an example. When I was in high school, I worked in the student union, and we have like 5 or 6 people who all believed they were in charge. Once we were trying to find a venue for a prom. People all seemed to have their own preferences and just didn’t want to make any concession. It took us 3 hours, yeah, 3 hours to reach a consensus. If there had been only one boss, we could have gotten a final plan much more quickly.

Task 3 — 校园声明 / 观点和原因


Reading:New Sports Complex

The university president announced last week that the school was planning to spend $3 million to build a new sports complex, with the hope that a new sports complex would help the university attract more excellent students. The president also said that, if there was a new sports complex, the university could strengthen its relationship with the local community since there would be suf cient space to seat more people, not only students, parents, and alumni, but also members of the local community.



Now listen to two students discussing the article.
Male: So what is your opinion on the university’s new plan? Female: Well! I don’t know. I actually don’t think it’s gonna work. Male: Really?
Female: I mean I do not think top students would care a lot about a sports complex when there are obviously other conditions on this campus that need to be improved.
Male: What exactly do you mean?
Female: Like the science laboratories not having cutting-edge equipment, and the library needing many more books, and the cafeteria being so crowded...I think that the 3 million could be spent in better places if the school really wants to get more good students to come.
Male: Fair enough, but what about the other reason? I mean having more contact with the local community.
Female: Yeah, still not gonna work. Look, people in the local community hardly ever come to those sports games because our teams lose all the time and they are not going to start winning tomorrow. Moreover, even if there are more seats, it won’t make any difference. If they didn’t come before, they won’t come now just because there’s a brand new sports complex.



The university is planning to spend a huge amount of money on building a new sports complex because they want to draw the attention from more high-level students. And also, they are really hoping to strengthen the tie between the university and the local community. But the woman thinks it’s a terrible idea. She thinks that spending money in such places as the library and cafeteria, which top students obviously care more about, is a much better choice compared with wasting it on building sports complex. Besides, it’s not going to help strengthen the relationship because people didn’t come to games because they hated to watch the teams losing, not because there weren’t enough seats.

Task 4 — 学术概念 / 抽象到具体


Reading: Perceptual Constancy

How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.



Male: Let’s take an everyday example — an ordinary round plate like you’d find in a kitchen. If you hold the plate directly in front of your face and look at it, what shape do you see? A perfect circle, right? Suppose you tilt the plate to a different angle, to a horizontal position, like you are planning to put food in it. Still a perfect circle? No. The circle is now stretched out, flattened into an oval. Do you conclude that the plate has actually changed shape, or that it’s a different object? Of course not. It looks different, but we perceive it as still being the same.
Here is a different example. This classroom we are in, it’s fairly large, right? Now, from up close, from the front row, I appear to be relatively big, bigger than if you were in the last row, right? But let’s say you are sitting in a front row today, but tomorrow you are sitting in a back row. From back there I’m going to look smaller, but you don’t think I’ve actually gotten smaller. You don’t think you are seeing a different professor, a guy who looks like me except he is smaller. No matter where you are, up close or far away, you understand without even thinking about it that I am the same size, the same person.

概括例子:The professor gives us two examples.



The professor is talking about a psychological concept called perceptual constancy, which refers to the phenomenon that even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. And he gives us two examples to illustrate this concept. In the first case, if you hold a kitchen plate right in front of your face, it’s a perfect circle. But if you tilt it into a horizontal position, it becomes an oval. So we can see that the shape of the plate changes, but because of the concept of perceptual constancy, we don’t think we have two plates, do we? In the second example, if you sit in a front row in the classroom, the professor looks bigger, but if you sit in a back row, he will look much smaller. Although the professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations, again, because of perceptual constancy, we know he’s the same person.

Task 5 — 学生对话 / 问题和解决方案


Male: Hey Lisa, how’s it going?
Female: Hi Mark. Uh, I’m OK, I guess, but my schoolwork is really stressing me out.
Male: Yeah? What’s wrong?
Female: Well, I’ve got a paper to write and two exams to study for. And a bunch of math problems to finish. It’s just so much that I can’t concentrate on any of it. I start concentrating on studying for one of my exams, and then I’m like, how long’s it gonna take to finish that problem set?
Male: Wow. Sounds like you’ve got a lot more work than you can handle right now. Look, have you talked to some of your professors... mean, you know, try to explain the problem. Look, you could probably get an extension on your paper, or on the math assignment...
Female: You think? It would give me a little more time to prepare for my exams right now.
Male: Well, I mean another thing that you might do... I mean have you tried making yourself a schedule? I mean that’s what I do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Female: What does that do for you?
Male: Well, I mean it helps you to focus your energies. You know, you make yourself a chart that shows the next few days and the time till your stuff is due and...
Female: Uh-huh.
Male: I mean think about what you need to do and when you have to do it by. You know then start filling in your schedule—like, all right 9:00 to 11:30 A.M., study for exam. 12:00 to 3:00, work on problem set. But I mean don’t make the time periods too long. Like, don’t put in eight hours of studying, you know, you’ll get tired, or start worrying about your other work again. But if you keep to your schedule, you know you’ll just have to worry about one thing at a time.
Female: Yeah, that might work.




The woman got a lot of schoolwork to do, such as papers, exams and problem sets, so she finds it next to impossible to finish all the work. The man suggests that she try to explain the problem to the professor and ask for an extension on the paper. Or, she can make herself a schedule. If she follows the schedule, she will be able to focus her energies better and then get all the work done. If I were the woman, I would definitely make myself a schedule. Speaking of the reasons, first, the professor might not grant me the extension, right? Second, even if I don't have to write the paper now, it does not mean that I don't have to write it forever. It’ll just lead to an even more hectic future.

Task — 学术话题 / 摘要


Female: So, let’s talk about money. What is money? Well, a broad definition is this: money is anything that people can use to make purchases with. Since many things can be used to make purchases, money can have many different forms. Certainly, coins and dollar bills are money. Typically, people exchange goods and services they produce for dollar bills, and they use this money... these dollar bills... to obtain other goods and services. You might give a taxi driver five dollars to purchase a ride in his taxi. The taxi driver might give those dollars to a farmer to purchase some vegetables. So dollars serve as a way of purchasing goods and services and thus are a form of money.
Now suppose we didn’t have coins and bills to serve as money. People would need some other way to make purchases—perhaps they’d use a barter system, where people exchange goods and services directly for other goods and services. The taxi driver, for example, might give a ride to a farmer in exchange for some vegetables. Since the vegetables are used to pay for a service, by our broad definition the vegetables are used in barter as a form of money.
Now, there is also a narrower definition of money. In the United States only coins and bills are legal tender—meaning that by law, a seller must accept them as payment. The taxi driver must accept coins or bills as payment for a taxi ride. OK? But in the U.S., the taxi driver is not required to accept vegetables in exchange for a ride. So a narrower definition of money might be whatever is legal tender in a society, whatever has to be accepted as payment.



The professor is talking about two different definitions of money. A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with. For example, people might give a taxi driver coins or bills for a ride. If they don’t have coins or bills, they may even use vegetables as a form of money to purchase the service, I mean, the ride. OK, a narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment, in a more formal way, legal tender. For example, a taxi driver must accept coins and bills because they are legal tender in the U.S., however, he does not have to accept vegetables, because he is not required by the law to do this.


