Stars. in heart
It was so wonderful to see. I had forget how beautiful the night sky could be. Instead of being black, It was blue and millions of stars seemed to twinkle with happiness. I could see why our ancient ancestors spent lifetimes watching them, recording them and cherish them. Though it was still the middle of winter. I feel the warmth around me. Seeing this great creation of the universe was like being wrapped in a blanket of love. It was so perfectly peaceful. Having all the lights of the night sky shining above me. I could see my own inner light shining bright as well. I wanted to live long love. Well and Shine bright. I wanted to fill my life with love and then share it with the world. I wanted spend all of my days and nights brightening in the hearts and souls of others.
I wish everyone could live off of the beaten path so that each night they could go out and watching stars. Too often we let the artificial lights in this world distract us from the light of the stars, the light of our souls and the love in our hearts.
May you always keep your eyes towards the sky.