
2024-05-26  本文已影响0人  单细胞空间交响乐

作者,Evil Genius

今天我们复习,文章在Spatial transcriptomics stratifies psoriatic disease severity by emergent cellular ecosystems,2023.6.2发表于Science Immunology,IF 30.63,样本类型:健康的皮肤和银屑病。其中在研究的过程就是借助了其他人的单细胞数据辅助研究自己的空间转录组数据,思路值得借鉴。


5、SpaceFold + BayesPrism的联合用法




After Seurat anchor–based integration, we implemented graphbased clustering of the healthy skin spot transcriptome. Dimensionality reduction, performed using uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP), revealed 12 distinct clusters. Cluster annotations based on differentially expressed (DE) marker genes had notable concordance with histopathologic tissue features. Clusters were grouped by the skin’s three primary histologically defined layers (epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis) and captured discrete structures such as the hair follicle

Harmony-based integration and graph-based clustering analysis yielded 11 distinct clusters and similarly delineated the distinct skin layers. Serial analysis of tissue sections yielded highly reproducible results, and each of the 12 clusters was represented in all healthy samples when using both anchor-based and Harmony-based integration analyses. We thus performed subsequent validations and analyses of healthy skin using anchor-based integration. Across all samples, epidermal and hair follicle clusters 3, 7, and 9 had the highest number of UMIs, followed by cluster 6 (upper follicle and perifollicular dermis) and dermis 2, highlighting regions that were the most cell dense and/or transcriptionally active







研究受到Visium ST技术目前可用分辨率的限制,该技术以50 μm的增量捕获基因表达。然而,我们整合了scRNA-seq数据集,以获得更高的细胞分辨率和空间背景。随着这项技术的发展,具有更高密度和更高分辨率的空间条形码珠的平台将提供更多关于健康和患病状态下细胞微环境的粒度。另一个关键的考虑因素是测序的深度和基因的辍学率。因此,我们的分析也可能没有捕获到罕见的细胞类型或非常低表达的基因。因此,我们避免了“缺乏证据”的争论,只关注基因的积极富集来得出结论。SpaceFold对组织结构做了两个假设:组织应该具有典型的结构,每个点的细胞类型分数表明这种细胞类型的物理坐标,因为它与起源点有关。因此,异质组织区域内斑点的坐标可能与物理细胞类型位置不对应,因此不能直接解释。然而,不同细胞类型分布区域之间的相对坐标仍然可以与使用组织细胞标志(例如,lc和黑素细胞区分基底表皮层和基底膜)进行比较来得出结论。最后,与病变样本相比,一些空间簇(0、1、2、3、8、15和16)在非病变皮肤中趋向于富集;然而,在这些cluster中观察到的样本间差异以及分析的低样本量使得这些差异在统计上不显著。

Collectively, our findings underscore the value of spatially resolved gene profiling in understanding emergent cellular ecosystems underlying health and disease. Thus, in addition to unearthing previously undescribed disease features, our data will serve as an invaluable resource for the research community.


Anchor-based integration

After quality control and sample filtering, ST samples were normalized independently using variance-stabilizing transformation by running the SCTransform function in the Seurat package with default parameters as described in the vignette, setting parameter variable.features.n to 3000, i.e., the top 3000 most variable genes ranked by residual variance were used for downstream integration and cluster analysis. The top 20 PCs with a resolution of 0.6 were used to identify spatial clusters by running the FindNeighbours and FindClusters functions. The clusters were manually annotated on the basis of cluster-specific marker genes identified using the FindAllMarkers function with default parameters, including statistical test set to Wilcoxon rank-sum test, minimum cell percentage set to 0.25, and log2FC cutoff set to 0.25. Heatmap plots were generated using DoHeatmap, showing the top eight marker genes per cluster

Harmony-based integration

Both groups of data were first merged into a single Seurat object using the merge function and
were normalized using the SCTransform function using default parameters, setting parameter variable.features.n to 3000, i.e., using the top 3000 most variable genes ranked by residual variance. PCA was performed on the normalized data as needed before running Harmony batch correction. Harmony batch correction was performed by running the RunHarmony Function from the Harmony package using default parameters, with assay set to SCT counts and group variable set to sample ID column in the metadata. The downstream analysis of batch-corrected data was performed using Seurat, and the top 40 dimensions from Harmony embeddings were used for UMAP-based dimensionality reduction and graph-based clustering, with the resolution set to 0.35. The clusters were then manually annotated using cluster-specific marker genes after running the FindAllMarkers function using default parameters, including a Wilcoxon rank-sum statistical test, minimum cell percentage set to 25%, and log2FC cutoff set to 0.25. Heatmaps were generated using DoHeatmap, showing the top 10 marker genes per cluster


MIA uses a hypergeometric test to assess overlap in marker genes between each ST cluster and scRNA-seq cluster . The top 300 up-regulated marker genes with an adjusted P value less than or equal to 0.05 and log fold change greater than 0.25 were used to calculate MIA enrichment scores. MIA uses a hypergeometric test to assess overlap in marker genes
between each ST cluster and scRNA-seq cluster. The top 300 up-regulated marker genes with an adjusted P value less than or equal to 0.05 and log fold change greater than 0.25 were used to calculate MIA enrichment scores.


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