NPS Manual
Step1: Timeperiod:里面可以选择已经customize好的时间段,也可以点击“New Customer Period”进行选择。
Step2: 点击“Segments”,选择“Survey Type”下面的“Web Experience”,
然后点击“Web Experience”右边的“+”,选择“Event or Download Experience”
如何下载Raw Data?
Run Raw Data
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Bill Anderson, Medallia digital survey Web focal
The survey module provides a consistent and measured method for
presenting surveys to a random set of site visitors. The module manages
several aspects of web user sampling ensuring statistical validity while
also allowing for survey flexibility. It also ensures that any web
visitor that participates in a survey will not be asked to participate
again, or in any other survey across all of IBM, for 60 days.
The module is automatically added to all Northstar pages and displays the Medallia Voice of the Customer (VOC) survey to 5% of the visiting audience. The percentage can be decreased for high traffic pages or increased for low traffic pages (25% maximum). For information about VOC at IBM, or to gain access to the data, visit theClient Experience Transformationcommunity.
The Medallia VOC survey can be temporarily replaced by a survey of your design. You build the short-term survey usingSurveyGizmo. A rich set of Northstar module parameters allow you to control what user audience is asked to participate in the survey. See theSurvey Table of Implementation Parametersfor detail.
Ensures random sampling of visitors, inviting between 1 and 25 percent to participate.
Protects site visitors from receiving multiple survey
invitations. Any visitor asked to participate in a survey on an IBM page
will not be asked to participate from any other IBM page for 60 days.
Allows for audience targeting. For example, the sample
can be defined such that only visitors arriving from paid ads can
participate, or no one coming from Google can participate, or only
visitors that have seen the page at least twice before will can be a
part of the audience sample set. There are many options.
Supports multiple survey management tools, such as Medallia, SurveyGizmo, or SPSS.
Integrates with IBM Digital Analytics to track what
surveys are presented from what pages and the participant take and
rejection rates.
Code snippet
To change the default Medallia VOC survey percentage from 5%, update the following line of code on your pages:
// Default percentage is 5. Maximum allowed is 25. Use greater than 25 only for testing.
survey: {
global_percent: 2
To prevent the Medallia survey from being triggered on your page, set theglobal_percentvariable to0(zero).
global_percent: 0
To temporarily use your own survey on the page, add the code below to your page and set all parameters following theSurvey Table of Implementation Parameters. All the parameters are configurable. You must update the “start” date, the survey “type”, and the survey “id” for your survey to display.